Fluff stuff.

Dec 24, 2005 05:52

Happy holidays everyone. Merry Christmas to all you Christians and people who like presents, and Happy Hanukah to all my jewish friends and Happy Kwanzaa to any of my friends who celebrate Kwanzaa and I wish everyone a Happy New Year and a safe winter break ^_^. I shall celebrate here with some fluff between one of my chara's and one of Puck's charas from an RP we do.


One of the substances that you cannot do without.

Come on...move dammit...

Everywhere arounds us, 75% of the Earth's surface is covered with the stuff. It's a tad wet, but you get used to that. His washed out blue eyes focused on the puddle sitting in front of him.

Please move? Come on...little wave. Something! He was staring at it with intent eyes, as his hand was gripped around the small blue coin sitting in his hand, a kanji inscribed on it that meant water, although, at the moment, he couldn't concentrate. He could make a tsunami with his bare hands, but heaven forbid he fall in love. He couldn't make a puddle move.

The slightly lanky seventeen year old was standing on a dirt road to the side of their little home, and at the moment, the only thing he could think about was her. Little Lyra...who'd done quite a lot of growing up in the last few years. He ran a hand through his shaggy dark black hair, so black it was nearly blue, and stared hard again at the puddle, almost daring it to defy him. He sighed a bit, dejected, and slipped to the floor, lying back and staring up at the sky.

She walked up to him this morning....as calm and collected as she normally was, and kissed him. Full and flush on his trembling lips. His eyes widened, and for a moment he couldn't regain his balance, he nearly fell over as she pulled away, looking up to him with those piercing eyes of hers, and nearly not having to say the words he could already tell would come out.

"I've loved you...I've loved you for a long time Aaron. We'll need to talk later." And with that she turned on her heel, pretty as could be, and walked off, leaving him and Jakob completely speechless, which was amazing, because Jakob NEVER shut up. He however....it'd taken him nearly an hour to remember how to talk, much less come up with words to say.

And now, he was here, staring at a puddle and waiting for Lyra, the goddess of light, and trying to figure out the words.

How on earth could he possibly tell her all the things trapped inside of his stupid head? He didn't know...he didn't know what on earth he was going to say. Easily he let his fingers run through the slightly damp grass he was lying on, revelling in the coolness of it, even as his skin was flushed and hot and slightly feverish. His mother had told him, before he'd been away all this time, that love completely messes you up. And you feel like you're dying. He felt it; his heart had been doing this funny flippy thing all day that was decidedly Not Normal. And now, he was sweating...his stomach was in knots and it felt like he was going to pass out the moment the girl came his way.

He shook his head, getting to his feet and sighing a bit, impatient for once, and ready to see her, to tell her....to find the words.

He stared at the puddle again, completely jealous of its lack of feelings. You'll never have to be in love puddle, he mocked it, but, Mr. I-refuse-to-move-even-when-I'm-told-to, you will never be in love. And THAT is the sad state of inanimation. He nearly laughed out loud, and then he heard her voice, and fell into the puddle, which appeared to be rippling in amusement.

He turned, looking up to see Lyra, a slight smile on her face as he watched her. "Aaron...what are you doing..."

Before he forgot his words, he said them, quickly and in a rush of air, he spoke softly, shaking his head. "I....Lyra, you're amazing and beautiful and intelligent, and I absolutely adore you. I've known for years that I've been attracted to you, not just physically but in ways that make me think, and you keep me calm, and you help me think of things, and you do things for me that no one else can. and I can't believe that I'm lucky enough for you to feel the same way as I do. I'm truly in love with you Lyra, and I'm sorry that I couldn't find the words before."

He said all this with his eyes shut, his heart in his throat and his stomach dropped into lower regions. Before he could hear her say anything, she kissed his forehead softly, and he opened his eyes and smiled a bit. "Never thought any advice Casey gave me would be good advice."


"It was a dare...the kiss," Lyra mused, watching him. "But what I said was true...I do love you Aaron...despite my forwardness, if you want to take it slow we can-"

"Lyra...I..." With that, he leaned his head up. His mouth and head had gone stupid again, and forgotten how to speak, but his heart hadn't. He kissed her softly, his eyes closing as he pulled her close, holding her gently and firmly in his nicely built arms. When he finally pulled awy, she was smiling contently, and Aaron knew that you didn't always need words to convey thoughts.

Although they helped sometimes. As he leaned back into holding her, he took another look at the puddle. Urging it softly to move, it did, splitting in two and going its separate ways. He smiled a bit, and nuzzled her shoulder softly.

fluff, ficclets

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