Should I feel bad?

Sep 26, 2005 23:32

I'm slightly drunk. Ok, I had at least 4 glasses of wine tonight without having dinner and after walking the beach for two hours. No, not WALKING the beach *wink wink*, but I've started a walking regimine where I walk the entire length of the beach every night. Roughly 5-6 miles total. Actually work up a sweat doing it!

Anyway, considering my inebriated state, this might be an interesting post. I've never drank-and-typed!! First time for everything!

I got an email today from Apple. They've shipped my iPod...from SHANGHAI!!! Should I feel bad that somewhere in the market of cheap Chinese labor, someone laser-engraved my name into an iPod before stuffing it into a FedEx box to come to me?

People are stupid and forget to turn their music in on time and in their folders. TWO substitute players forgot to turn in their parts this week. We were able to catch one of them before she left for Boston, but the other got to Chicago before she realized she'd forgot to return her Candide part. Dumb. Thankfully she has the part. We called her today franctically looking for it. EVERYTHING we did this week was under rental/copyright protection, so it would have been irreplaceable. She's sending it to us FedEx.

Woah! The guy next to me smells of pot, and that's not mixing well with my wine. Oy vey!

I got invited to go to a gay club this weekend. I turned them down because when they asked me, I was dressed in a green t-shirt, khaki shorts and some sandels and was at a party about 15 blocks from my house, so I couldn't go back and change into better club clothes. But I guess I've been "found out".

OK. I've got to go eat something before I fall in a bottomless pit and die of starvation. Maybe I'll have a lunchable. ;-)
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