Non-manic Monday

Feb 06, 2006 11:22

Rainy Monday, and I'm taking a "personal day", so I'll be lounging about in my sushi pajamas, doing a little work and occasionally blogging. Also catching up on some Tivo, doing laundry, maybe even a little housework. And snuggling with Ariel, who is quite the emotionally demanding little cat.

Yesterday's poll was close - the first question (WoW vs Blogging) was uncontested, with 9 of you voting that Hubby is the bigger geek. On the second question (Highlander Con vs Star Trek sticker), however, two of you dissented and voted for him, while 7 others voted for me. So I hereby proclaim Hubby the Slightly Geekier. (But still damn cute.)

(Oh, and a little wave to b00111111 - I'll do my best to keep hubby from uploading that photo - but I have to admit, we do look awfully good in those costumes! The video tape, OTOH, should be destroyed.)

We watched the game last night, but neither of us were impressed - they should have let the Seahawks have that first touchdown. I do think the refs had it out for them - how many flags did they wind up getting? Sheesh. And while some of the commercials made us chuckle, none were as funny as the Nextel one with the guys dancing to "Push It" in the office.

Had a tasty dinner - grilled some chicken breasts and then sauteed them in a sauce of tomatoes with green chiles, some Mexican spices (I tossed in whatever I had in the spice cabinet that was red), and rolled them in corn tortillas with a little cheese, pico de gallo, and salsa. Quite tasty, and filling. Personally I love corn tortillas - hubby is not such the fan and much prefers flour, but is making the sacrifice for our diet. Did I mention he's lost QUITE a bit of a weight? Definite hottie :-)

It's funny - cooking used to be something that I really got into and enjoyed, and rarely needed recipes to put together something tasty. But lately I've lost the touch, and some of the inclination. I still love good food, and I get all these great ideas in my head of what I WANT to make for dinner, but then I don't really have the follow-through attitude, and I wind up throwing together something simple - or we order out. It probably started when my travel schedule picked up three years ago, but I'm hoping I get the cooking bug - and the magic touch - back. I'd particularly like to have it back before my father (the gourmet chef) and my step-mother arrive in March for a 4 day visit.

Well that's the news from Lake Wobegon.

random day

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