What You Want, Baby I've Got It

May 24, 2008 10:22

RESPECT \ri-ˈspekt\
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin respectus, literally, act of looking back, from respicere to look back, regard, from re- + specere to look - more at spy
Date: 14th century

1: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation [remarks having respect to an earlier plan]
2: an act of giving particular attention : consideration
3 a: high or special regard : esteem b: the quality or state of being esteemed c plural : expressions of respect or deference [paid our respects]
4: particular, detail [a good plan in some respects]

The idea of respect is something that has been bouncing around in my head a lot lately, and as such I've taken to meditating upon the notion. The short-story results of my conclusions may be summed up as follows:

To be a person worthy of respect, one must
(a) demonstrate self-respect and
(b) treat other people in a respectful manner

Of course, being respectful does not mean simpering, synchophantic, or behaving meekly. I think that it is a blend of authenticity and courtesy, a fine line to be certain. I think that it also includes a dash of compassion in its highest form.

It might sound easy in theory, but the lesson of respect is a difficult one for many to learn and practice, including myself at times.

I have more to say on this topic, but it's tied very intimately to the idea of compassion, and that topic is so large that it merits its own post. :)

user manual, meditations, warrior

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