Руми. Рубайят. F#1470

Nov 08, 2010 10:52

Остаток жизни выплесни из чарки - в бездонной чаше бродит Смерть стара.
Не горячись по пустякам напрасно - пора сгореть в огне Любви, пора!
О, нищий, предпочти земному праху агатовый чертог Небытия!
Смакуй Вино Любви весь миг и помни: не будет "завтра", не было "вчера".
Перевод © М.Дугричилов 
[The Beloved said] Don't drink except out of the cup of death majesty.
And don't boil except from the flaming love of His Greatness
There is immediate joy from the agate mine of spiritual poverty. 
So drink wine, and don't tell the story of the night before last.
©Translated by Ibrahim W. Gamard & A.G. Rawan Farhadi.

Don’t drink wine from any glass, but the Death’s great goblet.
Don’t be boiled, overflowed by any fire, but the fire of God’s Love.
The pleasure that comes from the mine of Absence is lump, not installment.
Drink Love’s wine now, doesn’t talk about tales of yesterday and tomorrow.
©Translated by Dr. Nevit Ergin. 


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