Closing of An Awesome Weekend

Jul 06, 2010 14:19

I feel fucking victorious! Surprisingly enough, the EVIL THING named Eric Badgley moved out on his own will. I can't really call it a complete victory though, because before he did move out, he terrified Roman into moving out himself. This whole saga looks kind of like some sort of holy war or Jihad in the way events played out, actually. Someone representing pure evil showed up at my doorstep, quite literally, forcing me to gather allies, and making sacrifices along the way.

July 5th, 2010:
So just when I thought my life was stuck at a standstill with Eric staying in the house drinking his money away (which he owed me but which I am not going to chase after him for), I went hiking with a bunch of friends at Chantry Flats. More than I can name aside from Ivan, Jackie, Allen, Joseph Guo, Erica Law and more, including my brother. Some highlights of the day include a chipmunk running across the road in front of us and staring at Jackie through the window, plenty of shade, and a complete lack of reception on my phone. The trail was pretty much a canyon hike, as it went downhill for the most part and ended at Sturtevant Falls about 1.8 miles in. The BEST part of the hike was at the end, where we got a nice surprise. We ran into a ton of people with their dogs along the trail. Both human and dog came in all shapes, sizes, and breeds. In the end, when we got to the falls, we saw this gigantic dog that looked like a shepherd/husky mix, but didn't know which one it was more of. When we went up to talk to the owner, I noticed it was being held by a metal chain as opposed to a leather or fabric one like everyone else had on their pets. I think Allen asked the owner, "What kind of dog is it?" To which the owner replied, "Oh she's a wolf," and the lady I figured for his wife added with a smile while petting her wolf, "Her name's Willow." My jaw dropped, but not in a way that left a weird-looking frown. This was more like a smiling/laughing/hysterical jaw drop. A wolf! A real-life freaking Timberwolf! We got to meet someone who owned a Timberwolf named Willow as a pet! She was so cute it was ridiculous. When I went down to nuzzle her I asked him how old she was, thinking she was maybe an adolescent, and he said, "She's a year and a few months old, so she's still a puppy. Cute huh?" I went in to pet her when the guy loosened the chain a little, and she wagged her tail just like a dog! I think he liked how much I liked Willow and how unafraid I was of her. At one year and a couple months old, she was already a sizable 5-foot-something from nose to tail, with jaws well over a foot long, and weighing in at about 70 pounds. I know this because as soon as I stood up, she jumped on me, and I had to actually put a foot behind me so that I could hold Willow up. I remember thinking a mixture of "Aww, what a cute little wolf" and "So this is how they take down a deer!" while she was digging her front claws into my shoulder to stand up, haha. She ended up blowing some dust into my face and then licking me, but that was funny. After about a minute or two, she came back down and the owners said they had to leave. Pictures on Facebook! :D I remember one of Joseph's friends saying behind me, "Now we can say we touched a wolf!" Damn right, girl, and I can say that a wolf jumped on me and I lived, hahah. It's a good thing I support conservationist efforts.

Well, after our hike, I went back home for dinner. That's when I got the best phone call I'd ever gotten from that psychopathic douchebag.
"Hey Victor, it's--it's Eric. Yeah just wanted to let you know man that I found a new place and that I left the keys under the mat and everything."
"Oh alright, so are you coming back?" this time I was trying not to explode in LAUGHTER.
"Yeah I won't be coming back. So I'm moving out. I'm already in the new place actually. And yeah. I'd appreciate it if you didn't call my dad anymore or call me anymore, and didn't bother my dad or me anymore. We good on that Vic? And I don't have anymore money so I won't be able to pay you back or anything."
The fuck are you to call me "Vic", you scum? I thought, but said, "Sure thing. Sounds good. I won't pressure you about the money. Bye Eric."
After I hung up, I did a victory dance for about ten minutes, and ate way more than I should've before I left to pick up Debbie and our friend Barbara to go back to San Diego.
Good weekend indeed :D
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