Feb 10, 2010 04:22
I'm borrowing a line from the Schwarzenegger movie "Kindergarten Cop" that I found on some Ah-nuld soundboard a few years back. Anyway, I HATE THIS! I must do something about my current lack of self-control. I mean yeah I can get my work done so that there's nothing left for weekends, but I can't seem to MICRO-micromanage my schedule so that I don't end up doing stupid things like tonight:
9:00-11:00 PM -- Readings for Poli Sci, typed up two whole pages, satisfy munchies
11:00PM-1:00AM -- AIM, Youtube, Torrented a TON of music (Bon Jovi and ACDC ftw!)
1:00-2:00AM -- Rearrange music, more Youtube (ooh, New Wongfu vids), that one Halo Animated movie
2:00-4:00AM -- Combination of Facebook, actually working on my readings/paper, and rearrange my room
I had a crazy idea about 8 hours ago where I would put a big pizza or something equally delicious right in front of me, and lacing it with super lax so that if I ate any of it, I would quickly feel the repercussions.
I then realized I'd probably end up running to the restroom. Anyway, for now, I've been bumping to Jay Chou's 霍元甲 on repeat for hours, and it is WORKING! I get more work done in each of those four-minute intervals when the drums and shouts are going off >:D
Okay, I need to finish this paper up so I can stop sounding like a crazy person.
huo huo huo huo! huo huohuohuo!!!,
screwing around,