Feb 07, 2010 03:28
As a passing jocular comment, a friend once said a few weeks ago that I was the biggest gossip of our group, and I, laughing, agreed.
I've now realized just how badly it could come back to hurt me yesterday. I was driving another friend to a popular hangout spot in Alhambra so she could meet up with some old mutual friends. Well, if you follow my Xanga, you'll get a general idea of what I'm talking about, even if I did write in circles. What ended up happening is that I learned that for some reason, I'm guessing my big mouth, I was specifically chosen as someone the offended party did not want to see again. I hate to say it, but I am one for hard lessons, though I'm working on changing that.
In San Francisco, I didn't realize that my curiosity and basic touristy personality was costing my friends their energy and pissing them off. I was just so overwhelmed with the whole NorCal experience (I never travel for financial reasons) that none of my friends' signals seemed to be getting through my head. In the middle of the trip I was isolated by my own reckless energy and all I could do was wait for the week to end. Farther back, in PCC, I don't know what I did (this was at least a year ago), but whatever it was, or whatever my personality was like at the time, I pushed my club friends to the point of no return.
So that drive was a lesson in humility. For her, because she wanted to make it up to me since I couldn't hang out with them after I'd driven about half an hour in bad traffic, and especially for me, because I now want to make it up to that friend or friends for pushing them away. With the first person in San Francisco, I brushed it aside as her problem, ignoring my own faults. But this time around... well, it's a different issue. Or is it? I don't even know because I haven't had a chance to talk to them for years.
Come to think of it. Regarding that old club, I am so lost o__O...