Mar 12, 2007 16:25
Just lots of little things nagging at me. However, I won't let it get me down since it is a nice day out and this weekend was really, really nice. And I managed to update my Palm Pilot and computer for the DST. Go me! Bad thing though, is that my home phone is dead. And has most likely been dead since Wed or Thursday. The only way I found out about it is that when I checked my voice mail after a Faire event on Saturday, there was a voicemail message from John from Thursday that I obviously hadn't seen. So I submitted an online request on Sunday to get them to fix it and all I have received is an email. No call, no nothing. I have no idea if it's been fixed or not. And the rodent is back. I heard it scrabbling at the same spot again last night. I've also heard it in the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen and up above my head. I am really getting tired of this all. Just put some traps or poison in the basement for goodness sake and kill the stupid thing. I have every confidence that Felix can kill it, but I would rather not have a rat running around the apartment. Yes, yet one more reason for me to be leaving. Of course, if I buy a place, I won't be able to call the landlord to take care of these little problems. However, it would mean that I could call an exterminator and kill the little buggers. It's just annoying and keeps me up at night worrying about if it's going to break through.
Work is frustrating as well, well not all of it. The part where I got a tiny bonus and raise after only being here for 3 months was not frustrating. That was rather nice in fact. The frustrating part is that this training that I volunteered (stupidly) for is about to drive me nuts. The first class is Wed and the materials aren't done yet. And in fact, the process may change. Can we say that I am stressing out just a bit because I will be having totally no prep time? Yes, yes we can.
Darts is frustrating since I lost all my games last week and am now the #2 woman overall. However, I am still the #1 woman in doubles. The only consolation I have is that I've played a whole lot more games than the person ahead of me. Though I don't think I will win the trophy since since has a higher handicap and a higher win percentage. Sigh! But the team is still in first place by one point. Go team!
And we are going to have volleyball again this year. So that starts in April. I don't know what I would have done without it. It's been a part of my life for 5+ years and I've made a lot of good friends there.
Faire is there. We're making good progress but there are still a whole lot of loose ends to tie up before we open. And I will be needing to tie them up. Lots of stuff to get yet for the fancy dress that most likely won't come in time for Faire. I need a hoop skirt, partlet and jewelry. Ordered one hat today. Will be ordering the feathered fancy hat soon though *grin*
work rant,