Aug 26, 2002 23:27
My life is great. It really is, i turned my desk around today, and time just zipped by, i know that it is not scientifically possible for the turning of my desk actually sped up time, but it seemed to, and that is great. Now i can sit and play minesweep, or solitaire or freecell all day, and not worry about who walks in. It's the little things in life, it really is. I am looking forward to getting my raise in about a month, but i have a feeling that it will be anything but sufficient. Who knows maybe my boss will give me a twenty thousand dollar raise?
There's a time in everyone's life, or at least in mine, when you realize that maybe being in the band in college was the best thing you ever did, and maybe you should drop everything, and get back together with the guys, and ROCK!
Afterall ROCKIN' HARD is the best job in the world! BLody Fuukin ell rite bratha!