AdamTripz: =[
im saying things: youre there
im saying things: hello
AdamTripz: hi
im saying things: lets catch up
im saying things: tell me about yourself
AdamTripz: click on gallery for more
im saying things: aw your all grown up
im saying things: you cutie
im saying things:
im saying things: lol you need a myspace
AdamTripz: i think i have one i dont use either of them
im saying things: tell me what youve beenb doing with your life
AdamTripz: working using selling clubbing....
im saying things: saying things: youre a hottie
AdamTripz: no im not im ugly as fuck
im saying things: haah stfu
im saying things: dont be so negative arouynd me ok
im saying things: if you want to talk to me
im saying things: please
im saying things: <3
AdamTripz: i am sayin the truth everyone else says it
im saying things: lol whatevr
im saying things: people tell em all the time im ugly
im saying things: and stupid
im saying things: fuck em all
im saying things: im hot
im saying things: im tired of listening to assholes
im saying things: tell me im fat and ugly
im saying things: theyre stupid
AdamTripz: i know
AdamTripz: i hate everything
im saying things: shut up
im saying things: you just have to rise above it
im saying things: dont listen to assholes
im saying things: listen to friends
im saying things: people whos opinions matter
im saying things: listen to yourself
im saying things: its ok to be cool
im saying things: like ive just been going through this shit myself
im saying things: now shut up
im saying things: and tsalk to me
im saying things: i miss you too
AdamTripz: its funny when your 'friends' say things to use you and leave and then you know those things werent even true
im saying things: i didnt even know i did
AdamTripz: and then they rob you
im saying things: i know people suck
im saying things: a lot
AdamTripz: im starting to think i suck
im saying things: lol
im saying things: you dont
AdamTripz: because everyone else seems to be okay
im saying things: i think you have always thought you sucked
im saying things: inside
AdamTripz: since day 1
im saying things: they arent ok
im saying things: everyone feels insecur
im saying things: and they trake it out on you
im saying things: dont you see
AdamTripz: i always had problems and i always had a shitty fucking retarded i wanna die now life
im saying things: they tell you things they feel about themselves
im saying things: yeah i did too
im saying things: i got tired of being a victim
im saying things: adam
im saying things: i want to tell you i love you but im scared youll say im just saying that to make you happy lol
AdamTripz: im tired of living though.. you dont even know all the time i just wish i never had to half the pain and all i can ever think about is how much ive failed and been fucked up and over and over by doctors meds drugs family friends schools workers everyone
im saying things: i know
im saying things: adam it sucks to be fucked over
im saying things: by the world
im saying things: god please
im saying things: its like
im saying things: cool that you messaged me
im saying things: right now
AdamTripz: it wont suck forever i swear i will one day feel eternal peace
im saying things: cause i just went through this bullshit
im saying things: adam
im saying things: do you even listen to what i wsay
im saying things: or are you using me to vent
im saying things: its hard to care about a person
im saying things: that is venting on you
AdamTripz: i do but i dont i block everyone out i cant focus on anything but problemms
im saying things: well stop it
im saying things: and talk to me
im saying things: i care about you ok
im saying things: chill for a min
im saying things: and think
im saying things: i do love you you know
im saying things: its good to talk to you again
im saying things: now that we are older
im saying things: i remember our connection
im saying things: <3
AdamTripz: yes but you dont know what its like to lose memory of that and everything else.... you remember at least
AdamTripz: i cant really remember anything from a yew years ago
AdamTripz: barely at all
im saying things: you know
im saying things: i dont really either honestly
im saying things: i dont rememebr the details
im saying things: but i rememebr i cared about you them for a reason
im saying things: and i still do
im saying things: and we are both growing up
im saying things: ive had some shitty experiences too
im saying things: want to hear about them
im saying things: or do you just want to tell me bout how your life sucks
im saying things: honestly right now
im saying things: i feel vey sad
im saying things: all of a sudden
im saying things: and ive been happy all day
im saying things: because i care about you
im saying things: lol
im saying things: and i want to talk to you
im saying things: but you need to communicate with me
im saying things: instead of telling me how your life sucks
im saying things: cause you cant work on it if you dont talk about it
im saying things: and i know you dont want to give up
AdamTripz: i dunno it seems everything is fucked i dont even have money for rent
im saying things: will you calm down
im saying things: enough to talk to me?>
im saying things: try harder
im saying things: <3
im saying things: shh
im saying things: but you arent luistenng
AdamTripz: huh what
im saying things: im trying to tell you i need you to calm down lol
im saying things: cause your upsetting me
im saying things: im sorry
im saying things: im trying my best to talk to you the right way
im saying things: im scared to upset you
im saying things: because of past conversations
im saying things: ok i just want to say that im here to help you but i cant help you if all you do is scream at me about how evceything sucks
im saying things: hi are you there
AdamTripz: my phone rang
AdamTripz: hey i gotta go downtown i will be back
AdamTripz: a little later
AdamTripz: see ya take it easy
im saying things: jesus ok