The Chronicles of Harris County Inmate #2181902.

Oct 12, 2005 23:33

So, I was driving home from chilling at a friend's place Monday. Going down El Dorado, nice and slow (school zone, etc), when a Harris County constable decides to pull me over for my inspection sticker, which is a month out of date.
He runs my license, and finds I have warrants for my arrest (one which I kinda figured, and the other I had no idea about). During that time another constable (which I recognized from the coffee shop where I work) pulls up and is over there chilling with him. The first officer asked me to step out of the car, cuffed me, searched me, and stuck me in the back of his vehicle.
He, and the second officer then proceed to inventory and search my car, so the wrecker guy can tow it off. During the search, he pulls out my cane. Noting that it's a little hefty, he starts messing around with it, unscrewing the top, finally finding the buttons hidden on the side of the cane to release the sword.

Fortunately (I imagine thanks to the second constable, he recognized me from Diedrich's), they didn't write me up
for possession of a prohibited weapon. I imagine that charge brings nasty things.

Oh, and he kept the cane. That does piss me off a little bit.

After that, I'm taken downtown, where my story really begins. Not that long of a story, really, since most of it was just sitting on concrete and being BORED OUT OF MY MIND or FROZEN OUT OF MY NUTS. (I did get my nuts back when they transferred my to Nassau Bay.. not so cold there, and they ACTUALLY LET YOU USE THE DAMN BLANKET! Stupid Harris County jail...)

Chronological Order of Events at Harris County Jail (as best as I can place them, we never had direct access to a timepiece, so times are approximate. They give a general idea of the timeline.):

Monday, October 10, 2005
4:30pm - Arrive at Harris County Jail.
5:00pm - Get thrown in holding tank #1.
6:30pm - Get fingerprinted.
10:00pm - Get entered into AFIS (computer system, for those of you who don't watch CSI or the like)
10:10pm - Holding tank #2.
11:00~11:30pm - Exchange street clothes for orange clothes with COUNTY JAIL written across them in big black letters. Kinda comfortable actually, wouldn't have minded taking a pair home for wearing around the house and such.
11:30pm - Holding tank #3 (Medical).

Tuesday, October 12, 2005
12:30am - Take x-rays, medical interview.
12:35am - Holding cell #3 (Classification, this is where you're assigned to wherever you're going, you get your armband, etc.)
3:30am - Transfer to cell block 3C, cell 4.
Between here and 9:10am is a lot of not sleeping, and the freezing nuts off thing I mentioned earlier. You *have* a blanket, but you're not allowed to use it.
9:10am - Called out for JP Court at 11am. Sit in holding tanks until time for court.
11:00am - JP Court. Found out that time served pre-court doesn't count toward Capias Pro Fine offenses. I'm sentenced to stay until midnight.
12:00pm - Back in 3C4.
6:20pm - Pulled out of 3C4 and sent downstairs to begin release processing. In short, I eventually got my street
clothes back and sat in another holding cell for 5 hours. This particular cell deserves special mention, and I will address it later. It was the highlight of the entire experience.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
1:20am - Officer from Nassau Bay comes to pick me up. I bid goodbye to my acquaintances in the tank.
1:45am - Booking into Webster/Nassau Bay (Nassau Bay no longer has holding cells)
2:00am - SLEEEEP!!! FINALLY!
1:00pm - Lunch.
2:30pm - I see the judge for Nassau Bay.
3:00pm - FREEDOM!!

Soooo yeah.
I'll come back later and expand on some things later, but for now I'm going to bed.
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