Copied from the Tyra Banks forum because you need to sign up there.

Mar 07, 2009 15:46

Hello, my name is Alwin. I was born on the 1st of May, 1984, in The Netherlands. I have friends, I've been in relationships, had jobs, even one abroad. I like to travel, visit concerts, festivals, go shopping, give massages, change my hairstyle, etc.

I've also been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrom.

The reason I'm telling you this is that I feel there should be a countervoice against movements such as Now, don't get me wrong. I am all for research into a better understanding of autism. But claiming autism is reversible, that vaccination causes autism and that you have to BREAK through autism to get to the real person, is not only wrong and insulting, it's dangerous.

Autism isn't a disease. And in many ways, it isn't even a disorder. Yes, I know, and I agree, that many people with autism need assistance on certain aspects in life, and that some people have it so bad they need 24/7 care. HOWEVER, it is unfair and unjust to think autism is just that, to think it's all tics, fascinations and whatever. I'm not Rainman, my name isn't Sam and I don't rock back and forth like a foetus.

Yes, I have some problems. I don't pick up subtle signals, mixed messages confuse me, I have trouble keeping order in my brain as well as my room, etc. But, my Asperger has also provided me with a lot of good things.

I see a lot of details, like a different haircut, shoes, but also things in a room or a painting or picture. I even notice it in people's behaviour. I see through masks, break through walls and get to the person or the issue. That's also a way of survival for me. If people are fake, I don't get to know them and if i find out, I get confused.

Another thing is that I don't pay attention to things like "personal shame". with that I mean that, if I see a common ground, I sometime start conversation with a stranger. It always works out well, and when someone says "I've only talked 30 minutes with you, but it's like I know you already", that's a great compliment.

I'm forward, I'm extravert, I like getting attention. To a level, I need attention, because it's the only way for me to know wether people like having me around. I've been in commercials, on stage, on TV. I like that, I love acting and improvising.

What I'm trying to say here, with all these examples, is that a lot of people with autism doesn't need anyone to speak for them. We can do it perfectly ourselves. And if not, there's training and courses for it. Don't fight our battles for us. In fact, don't fight autism at all. We're not broken, we're not set back. We're just wired differently. So instead of trying to rewire us, learn our manual instead.

My name is Alwin. I was born on May 1st, 1984 in The Netherlands. I laugh, cry, scream, whisper, feel and create. I also have been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrom.

And I wouldn't have me any other way.
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