[FIC] Aoi x Uruha - Night before day off starts

Oct 11, 2008 18:41

Title: Night before the day off starts
Author: Murderis
Chapters: Oneshot
Fandom: Gazette
Genre: Romance
Rating: R
Warnings: be afraid of my bad English:D and some yaoi…
Pairings: Aoi x Uruha
Disclaimer: Too bad, Aoi and Uruha aren’t mine, but if I could choose I’d take Uruha :D
Summary: Uruha no longer could control his actions. He went to Aoi and wrapped his hands around his waist. Aoi flinched. He felt Uruha’s lips near his ear whispering “You know, I dreamed about this for a long time”.

Sleepy. That’s the only word that could describe Aoi that day. Well, maybe tired would be good too. He couldn’t focus on anything he was told to do and because of that almost everyone was nervous.

“Okay, guys, sorry, but I hadn’t slept much last night. Neighbours had a party or something and I was up almost all night.” ,said Aoi but he wondered if someone listened to him.
“Don’t make excuses Aoi. Though we don’t really know what have you done all night.” , Ruki replied. He was really pissed off.

Aoi was trying very hard to concentrate what was saying to him. Seeing Aoi’s suffering, Uruha placed his arm on Aoi’s shoulder saying “Maybe you should take the day off? I think the party won’t resume this night, but you can fall asleep just here. Kai, what do you think?”
Kai sighed “Okay, he can take the day off. But let’s finish what we are doing today, all right? Aoi, can you stay up for… well for half an hour?”
Aoi nodded. “Thanks Uruha.” ,Uruha smiled at Aoi with a face that’s says no problem.


When the works were done Aoi was relieved - day is ending, he’ll sleep all night and a bit day and no one will wake him up. He closed his eyes and sighed and when he opened eyes he saw Uruha in front of him, came from nowhere with happy face. “May I offer you a ride home, Aoi? I know you live nearby, but you know, you’re so sleepy”. Aoi smiled back and they went to Uruha’s car.

When they got home they heard music coming from somewhere in Aoi’s apartment. Aoi’s face turned sad. Then he got a good idea - why doesn’t he ask for Uruha to stay at his place, and help with those noise makers? “Uruha, want to stay here? I think you could really help me sleep better” Aoi laughed. Uruha giggled and got off of his car “Okay, let’s go.”

When Aoi unlocked his door and let Uruha in, noise was gone. “Well, if you’re already here you can stay anyways” said Aoi to Uruha. Uruha wanted to say something but Aoi cut him off “No, you won’t make trouble. And you won’t have to sleep in my bed with me” he laughed. They went to Aoi’s bedroom, to see if Aoi has something that Uruha can sleep with. When they both had slumber-suits Aoi went to bathroom first and left Uruha sitting on bed and thinking. “Maybe not this time? He’s really tired” thought Uruha about his crush object, when Aoi showed up in his slumber-suit. Uruha no longer could control his actions. He went to Aoi and wrapped his hands around his waist. Aoi flinched. He felt Uruha’s lips near his ear whispering “You know, I dreamed about this for a long time”. Aoi disengaged from Uruha’s embrace, his eyes widened.

“What do you want, Uruha? Seriously, are you drunk man?”
“No, I’m sober. And I want…” he caught Aoi again and whispered to his ear “…you”

Aoi had some thoughts about Uruha for a long time too, but somehow he didn’t think they could get together just like this. But he had nowhere to go, he was caught by Uruha’s hands. He didn’t have time to think about something when Uruha pressed his lips to Aoi’s. It was long, deep kiss and it lasted until they both felt a need for air. When they pulled away from each other Uruha smiled again and said “So? What do you think if we’ll go to sleep later?” Aoi didn’t say anything, just kissed Uruha again and it was his answer.

Slowly they went to bed, Aoi on top of Uruha. Suddenly Aoi found himself trying to pull Uruha’s shirt, Uruha pulled Aoi’s shirt over his head as well. Aoi smiled with some evil-smile and said “I think you will have to sleep with me in my bed after all”.

They kissed again, Uruha’s fingers were traveling all over Aoi’s naked chest down to his belly. Uruha moaned as Aoi bit his ear and started kissing his neck. Then Uruha started getting rid of Aoi’s jeans, as well did Aoi while his tongue was traveling over Uruha’s naked body…


Morning light awoke Uruha and he found himself lying onto Aoi in his soft embrace. Uruha remembered last night’s events and smiled. Also he remembered that he hasn’t eaten from yesterday’s afternoon and was starving. He looked at Aoi once more and gently kissed him, disinclining to wake his lover up. Then he carefully got up, pulled on his boxers and went to look for kitchen. He still had that feeling like he’s in heaven.

When Uruha opened the fridge he thought about what could he make for breakfast. In fact, he wasn’t good cook. He started to make some sandwiches when he felt Aoi’s lips on his neck and his hands wrapped around his stomach.

“Good morning my Sunshine” said Aoi quietly to Uruha. Uruha felt warm breath against his neck and let out a small moan.

He turned to face Aoi.
"Have any regrets or didn’t sleep well again?” Uruha asked.
Aoi shook his head.
“No. And my sleep was sweeter than ever” he smiled and kissed Uruha deeply.
Uruha pulled away from him.
“What about breakfast?” he asked. But he didn’t get a reply, he was lowered by Aoi and everything were repeating, only this time on kitchen’s table.

Author’s notes: Well, it’s my very first fan fiction, my English isn’t so good, but don’t be harsh, hehe -.-“

p:aoixuruha, b:the gazette, fanfic

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