#246 - [FIC] - Happy birthday, Jewel boy - EunHae & ChulHyuk

Apr 05, 2011 06:56

Title: Happy birthday, Jewel boy
Author: murderis 
Chapters: two drabbles
Pairing: ChulHyuk (Heechul/Eunhyuk), EunHae (Eunhyuk/Donghae)
Genre: romance maybe, fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: none~
Disclaimer: I owned them, I totally did, I bought them on ebay, but SME claimed them back so no, I don’t own them.
Summary: how Eunhyuk celebrated his bday with Heechul and how he celebrated it with Donghae.
A/N: two drabbles for Hyukkie’s bday featuring my two OTPs. :D

1. ChulHyuk

After filming a show SJM piled into their van. They were all tired and wanted to go home and rest, and of course prepare for Eunhyuk’s birthday. Eunhyuk, of course, knew nothing about it. He calmly sat in the back of their van and pulled out his phone. The rapper found about 30 texts from Heechul, asking for his address in Taiwan, threatening him and asking again. Hyukjae just shrugged and typed in their address. Of course he didn’t know there were now two surprises for him.

It was midnight and the members had sung a happy birthday song for Eunhyuk and he was standing outside now, watching the fireworks that ELFs prepared for him and crying his eyes out. He made a heart with his hands and the girls down there were asking him not to cry, but he couldn’t stop. Suddenly the noises Donghae and Henry made behind him disappeared and he wondered if they all went inside and left him here - another birthday surprise? - so he turned around. What he found behind him was indeed a surprise as Heechul was standing right in front of him with a bunch of flowers and a Hollywood smile plastered on his face. Hyukjae bit his lip to stop himself from crying even more and took the flowers from Heechul. Before he could process everything, he found himself in Heechul’s embrace, and he slid his arms around the older man too.

“I made you cry again,” Heechul whispered and chuckled. “Smile, Jewel boy. Happy birthday, love.”

2. EunHae

Eunhyuk was washing the leftover cake off his face when Donghae came in, a goofy grin on his face. Eunhyuk followed his moves in the mirror; Donghae came to him and slung an arm around his shoulders.

“My Eunhyukkie,” he chirped, and wiped a piece of cake off his jaw. Eunhyuk snorted. “Your eyes are like a night sky when the stars are shining, it’s beautiful.”
“You still remember that?” Eunhyuk laughed.
“I re-watched it not long ago,” he said, wiping off more icing off Hyukjae’s face, grin still in place.
“So you’ve been daydreaming recently?” Eunhyuk pecked Donghae’s cheek. “Don’t do that again.”

Their laugh filled the bathroom as they remembered the old times and Eunhyuk caught Donghae’s eyes in the mirror. They gazed at each other for a while and Donghae leaned in, capturing Hyukjae’s lips.

“Happy birthday, my Jewel boy,” he said after pulling away, his grin replaced by a sincere smile.

A/N2: because I love these pairings and because I love my Jewel boy and because I like cheesy stuff and because I re-watched SuJu's mini drama and yeah. 8D I hope you like it!

p:hyukchul, b:super junior, p:eunhae, fanfic

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