#244 - [FIC] - The Last Airbender - Legend of Hangeng ch.2

Mar 31, 2011 19:10

Title: The Last Airbender: Legend of Hangeng
Chapters: 2/?
Author: murderis 
Pairing/Characters: eventual!HanChul, eventual!EunHae, in this chapter: Heechul, Eunhyuk, Hangeng, G-Dragon, Se7en, Heebum.
Genre: fantasy, attempted!humor/crack, something else? :'D
Warnings: nothing yet
Rating: PG for now
Disclaimer: I don't own SM, JYP, YG, Hangeng. I don't own the Avatar. I only own this work of fiction.
Summary: Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, the master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Hangeng.
A/N: Avatar verse fic. Finally updated! :D

Hangeng sat up in the saddle that was on Heebum’s back. Everything happened so quickly, there was a storm and Heebum fell into water - and Heebum didn’t like falling into water - but then suddenly he was in the Avatar state and-

“Hangeng! Yah, Hangeng!” he shot up in the bed and almost hit me. I made a face. “Get up, lazy ass. Everyone wants to meet you.”

I just noticed that Hangeng had some arrow tattoos on him, but oh well, he’s an airbender. They’re all weird. I just dragged him outside when he put on his shirt. Our tribe was already waiting.

“Well, people, this is Hangeng. Hangeng… well, we live with these people. Yeah,” everyone looked at me weirdly, but hey, I didn’t lie. We lived with them. Then they looked weirdly at Hangeng.
“Um, Heechul? Why are they staring?” he asked, a little confused. My grandma took a step forward.
“Well no one has seen an airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct. Until these two rascals -” she motioned to me and Hyukjae. “- brought you here.”
“The airbenders are… extinct?” poor kid, he looked a little horrified.
“Hangeng, this scary woman is my grandmother.”
“Call me gran gran,” she deadpanned. Hangeng shrugged. Then there came Hyukjae, probably wanting his minutes of fame now and snatched some cane or something that Hangeng was holding. I didn’t even notice!
“What is this shit, you call it a weapon? You can’t even stab anything with this,” he said, inspecting the thing. Hangeng took it away from him and suddenly the thing had… I don’t know, something similar to wings. This kid was weird, I’m telling you.
“It’s not a weapon! It’s for airbending,” he said and kids were suddenly really interested. Magic, they said. “It’s not magic, it’s airbending! Like, I can control the air around my glider and fly!”
“Idiot, humans can’t even fly. Or they couldn’t the last time I checked,” Hyukjae said.
“Check again,” Hangeng smirked.

And Hyukjae had to check again. The boy flew up and started doing various tricks in the air, flying in circles, flying really low (I believe there was snow in my eyes now, thank you) and did other fancy stuff. Until he crashed into a snow pile while he was looking at me. I mean yes, I am gorgeous, but if you’re showing off you should be more careful. Hyukjae whined suddenly - turns out it was his watch tower, his playground. And now it was destroyed, what a shame. While Hangeng was trying to dust the snow off his clothes, Hyukjae tried to fix his precious tower. Until more snow fell down right on his head.

“Well clap clap, awesome guys, Heechul is a waterbender, you’re an airbender, together you can waste time and fuck shit up,” my brother grumbled as he was trying to get up from his pile of snow.
“You’re a waterbender?” Hangeng’s eyes lit up with joy and I nodded, but before I could answer, my grandma dragged me away.
“Enough games, work now,” she said.
“Gran gran, I told you he’s the real thing. Maybe he can teach me bending or something,” I flailed my arms a little.
“You’re bluffing.”
“No, not really. I mean, I think he’s weird but he might have some wisdom in him,” I turned around only to find him surrounded by kids, his tongue stuck to his glider. One of the kids pulled it and Hangeng almost fell down. “No, never mind, I take away my words.”


Meanwhile, G-Dragon was training on his ship. Because what if Avatar was super strong, he needed to be ready.

“Again,” Seven hissed. G-Dragon jumped up and aimed his fire at two of his crew members. They both dodged it and turned around, facing G-Dragon, who was also facing them.

“Oh God, G-Dragon, can’t you understand that firebending comes from breath not from the muscles? Breath becomes energy in your body. Then energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire,” he said, blowing fire in his nephew’s face. “Get it right this time.”
“Enough! I want to use my muscles; why else would I have worked so hard to get them if I can’t use them?” G-Dragon whined. “Teach me other stuff, I’m ready!”
“No, you’re just impatient. Learn the basics, kid,” Seven said as he calmly sat on his chair. G-Dragon kicked the air and almost burned one of his soldiers.
“Don’t you get that the Avatar is the last airbender? He must be like, I don’t know, a hundred years old already? He had more than century to master the four elements and I’m here just learning basics! I need more! You WILL teach me the advanced set!” the prince yelled right in his uncle’s face.
“Fine. Go brush your teeth. I’ll finish my food. Then we’ll see,” Seven calmly stated, then got some dish out of nowhere and started eating in no time. G-Dragon grimaced at him.


“You must not be afraid of the enemy, because here, in our water tribe, we fight till the last man standing. How else can we call ourselves men?” inspirational words flowed out of Hyukjae’s mouth. Little boys stared at him, not really understanding anything.
“Hyukkie, I need to pee!” one of them shouted. Hyukjae face palmed.
“No! No! Until your fathers come back you’re the men of our tribe, don’t you get it? That means no party breaks! And I’m not Hyukkie damn it!”
“But Hyukkie, I really really need to pee,” the kid whined again.
“Yeah. Okay. Who else has to go?” there were no kids in a blink.

Well since there were no kids, it was a perfect time to approach him. I kinda wanted to scare him, but he’s the man of out tribe and he saw me.

“Yo, idiot, have you seen Geng? Gran gran said he disappeared. I don’t want penguins to eat the last exemplar of an airbender,” I said, filing my nails.
“Wow! Everything freezes in there!” a cheerful voice reached us. Hyukjae fumed.
“You know Chul, I wish penguins would actually eat him. Could you get him out of here? Can’t you see I’m training future warrio-“ he was interrupted as one of his ‘warriors’ slid down Heebum’s tail and squealed.
“Warriors you said? Are they imaginary?” I smirked at my annoyed brother. He quickly got to the kids and Hangeng.
“What the actual fuck are you doing! We don’t have time for fun and games while the war is going on!” he shooed everyone away and faced Hangeng, who got down from his cat.
“War? What are you talking about?”
“Are you shitting me,” Hyukjae raised one eyebrow. He was about to say something more, but then Hangeng’s eyes lit up, he screamed ‘PENGUIN’ and disappeared from out sight with the wind. Hyukjae turned to me. “He’s shitting me, right?”

Long story short, I quickly found him running around penguins, trying to catch one. Stupid kid, he didn’t know how. So, I showed him of course, because I’m awesome. Then we had some fun sliding on the penguins’ backs until we found an old firebenders’ ship. I was told not to go near it and I didn’t since I had no interest what so ever. However, Geng insisted that we should see what it’s like inside so we went in. It was dark and I did not like it, I could feel something bad will happen. And it did. Hangeng hit some old old trap and then some signal rocket shot out of the ship.

“We’re fucked Geng, we’re fucked!”


G-Dragon saw the signal rocket. He quickly got to his binocular and saw Avatar jump out of the old ship which let out the rocket.

“The Avatar looks young for his old age,” he pondered. Then he turned to the soldiers. “Go find my uncle. Tell him I found the Avatar. And his hiding place.”

A/N2: aaand I finally updated! :D If there's anyone who was waiting or still want to read this... Yeah well. I hope it's good and I hope you like it ^^ Peace out 8D;

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b:super junior, fanfic

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