#104 [FIC] - Differences - LM.C drabble

Oct 01, 2009 20:47

Title: Differences
Author: murderis
Chapters: oneshot
Genre: fluff. drabble.
Rating: PG
Warnings: nothing~
Pairing: Maya/Aiji.
Disclaimer: I own just story.
Summary: So different.
A/N: That's how I'm learning history.XD Comments = <3

Maya’s cup of hot chocolate on the table was empty. Colorful cup with lots of figures and drawings. Next to it there’s Aiji’s cup - plain white. Total opposites. Just like their owners on the sofa - different yet so close to each other. Maya curled up in Aiji’s hands. His head is on Aiji’s chest, moving with each breathe in of the guitarist. Blonde locks covering his closed eyes, slight smile on his face - he’s sleeping.

Aiji’s head lies on Maya’s head. It’s lightly moving with each breathe in too. Hands softly wrapped around Maya’s shoulders, eyes closed. He’s also sleeping. Dark hair cover his face in few shadows. He’s smiling too.

Blue TV light is shining on them - movie has ended long ago. They fell asleep somewhere in the halfway. Except that bright blue light the room is dark. All that is heard is silent breathing of two men. Their cups have been emptied long ago.

Two different cups. Two different people. And yet, so deeply in love with each other.

p:mayaxaiji, b:lm.c, fanfic

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