Nov 26, 2005 18:42
MatrixSquirrel67: so tell me...
MatrixSquirrel67: why do you perfer girls over guys?
hope will fall x: idk
MatrixSquirrel67: would you ever go out with a guy?
hope will fall x: probably not =/
MatrixSquirrel67: why not?
hope will fall x: i wouldnt go out with someone if i dont like them back.. i dont wanna lead them on.. thats mean
MatrixSquirrel67: so then you would go out with a guy if you liked them?
MatrixSquirrel67: <.<
hope will fall x: sure
MatrixSquirrel67: what if the guy was someone like me?
hope will fall x: i'm really sorry jesse... i wish i was at least bi but i've already tried to like guys, i cant
MatrixSquirrel67: why? what is it about guys you dont like?
hope will fall x: i dont have anything against guys at all. its just who i am
hope will fall x: i'm really sorry jesse
MatrixSquirrel67: but there's nothing I can do to show you that I'm not like the rest of them... so you could just give me like a shot or something cause I really like you alot
hope will fall x: i know you're a really nice guy and its not you're fault at all. i was born this way, its just who i am
MatrixSquirrel67: so theres no chance?
hope will fall x: i'm sorry.. no..
I feel so bad. That was Jesse by the way. He's this kid in my math class. He's friends with my cousin and thats how we became friends.
This is weird though. First Nick, now Jesse. This is the first time a guy has liked me. This is first time someone's liked me without me having to lead them on. This is the first time I had to reject someone.