Went to see Avatar in 2D today - well, yesterday, too, but we had to leave before it ended since my sister-in-law went to the hospital. ;3; She's okay, it's just that the pregnancy is a little more difficult than we thought. Anyway, went back today and finished it, so
here are my thoughts.
While the plot and overall flow of the movie is pretty predictable, I have to say I love how it was handled. A simple plot of "indigenous people/love of nature vs invaders/all for profit corporate out to exploit the wild" is a pretty goo backdrop for a movie of this scale. It's the level to which Cameron and his team of like a bajillion CG artists took Avatar that makes it truly spectacular. There's so much detail crammed into the movie that seeing it twice was well worth it. And since I might see it again in Japan, a third time.
I enjoyed The People and their language, especially. The world is just so rich, I want to know more about it. It almost makes me wish the book they showed in the movie were real so I could delve further into the culture and the language, especially. I'm wondering if the language is based on a Native American or African one, though, because it sounded pretty realistic? Sort of. I'm not a linguist, so I don't know, but it sounded awesome. ;A;
All in all, I enjoyed it. It isn't going to be remembered for it's innovative plot, but for the graphics and the depth of the world created, so, you know. Kudos. I liked it.
In other news, going to make cheesecake for the family for New Years and finally contribute to the celebration as an adult. \o/
Also, busy buying belated Christmas presents for people in Japan and wondering how I'm getting all of this home. I may need to get a duffle/second suitcase. Am also looking into what games to get before I go back. Right now the list is:
Dragon Age: Origins (because so many people on my f-list have played it?)
Mirror's Edge
Prince of Persia (maybe)
I already have Infamous and Batman: Arkham Asylum since it came with the system. Any other recommendations, guys? Or do you have any yays or nays on what I already posted?
Also, has anyone played AC:Bloodlines or ACII for the Nintendo DS? I'm looking at those as well because lmfao I'm addicted to this game. Even if Majd Addin is a bitch to kill. HNNNGH, JUST ACCEPT THE BLADE AND DIE ALREADY.
(息)仕事はまだ残っているんだけど、楽しんでいる間にレッスンプランを作ろうともやる気が出ない。トホホ 帰ってからすぐ作らなきゃ!と思っても。。。(笑)