Title: Kimi wa Petto - Going out! Pairing: RyoDa Genre: AU Rating: PG-13, implied sexual activity. Summary: To force the Hime to eat veggie, Ryo had to bribe him with certain things first……Another part of Kimi wa Petto series
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huhhhh masa ospeknya kayak mos sma ?? bajunya, atributnya, makanannya !!! udah stress aku makanya bolos sehati ospeknya XD ahhahahahha
aku kuliah di jakarta, Univ. Darma Persada yg terkenal dengan sastra jepangnyaa... n tentunya aku masuk sastra jepang dooong ^^ huehehhehe.. i reeally cant wait for my first day of college XD hihiihihihi
btw it's been a long time i read ur smuuut !! *puppy eyes*
huggles & ice cream for hime-chan ^^ (jangan berebut sm Tatsuya-sama yaa ~
asiiiiiik smutty ^^ yg mana aja juga boelh tapi kalo boleh request aku mau 4some akame + ryoda XD ahahahha di Kimi wa Petto series juga boleeeeh XD *pervert grin* hahahhaha me and my pervy barin ^o^
baru selse ospek niih T__T
sucks.. but am surely gonna enjoy college XD ahhahhahahhaa
anyway, Tatsuya-samaaaaa XD gosh u're shooo cute XD ahhahahhahahah :P
thanx for this and ganbatte for next fic ^3^
Owww, berat kah ospeknya??
Btw kuliah di mana nih? Heheheh
Hope u enjoy it^^
Yes...he's always so cute, ne??
Thanks for reading and commenting dear~
aku kuliah di jakarta, Univ. Darma Persada yg terkenal dengan sastra jepangnyaa...
n tentunya aku masuk sastra jepang dooong ^^
huehehhehe.. i reeally cant wait for my first day of college XD hihiihihihi
btw it's been a long time i read ur smuuut !! *puppy eyes*
huggles & ice cream for hime-chan ^^ (jangan berebut sm Tatsuya-sama yaa ~
Lho gpp tuh bolos? Hahahahah
Weii!! Asik tuh^^
Ntar bisa jadi translator jepang.....Hahahahah
Hehehehehe, smut?
Will try to write one for you dear....
In Kimi wa Petto realm or other story?
*look around before eating ice cream*
Okay no Tat-chan....Safe....*glopms ice cream*
*huggles and kisses back*
yg mana aja juga boelh tapi kalo boleh request aku mau 4some akame + ryoda XD ahahahha di Kimi wa Petto series juga boleeeeh XD *pervert grin*
hahahhaha me and my pervy barin ^o^
arigatou hime-chaaaaaaaan :D
Will try Asami-chan!
But cannot promise anything....^^
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