[FIC] Kimi wa Petto - Going out!

Aug 24, 2009 00:25

Title: Kimi wa Petto - Going out!
Pairing: RyoDa
Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13, implied sexual activity.
Summary: To force the Hime to eat veggie, Ryo had to bribe him with certain things first……Another part of Kimi wa Petto series.
Disclaimer: HA. HA. HA. The title isn’t even mine, stealing it from MatsuJun’s dorama’s title
A/N: Wow, I haven’t post anything here in two weeks time…..It’s just that real life has catch up with me and is making life harder than ever. (>.<). Need time to take my mind off several things so I ended up writing this. Unbeta-ed.

“Hime, finish your cabbage.”

“Don’t want to” The Hime looked at him with huge eyes and a pout

“Not again, Hime. This time you cannot plead your way out of this.” Ryo tried to brush aside his Hime’s cuteness power.

“But I hate it.” Spoiled princess……

“It’s healthy for you. Now, finish up” Ryo said while taking up one of the cabbage with his chopsticks and raised it in font of his cat’s lips. But the Hime stubbornly closed his lips tight and shook his head furiously.


“No way” He covered his mouth with his hand to prevent Ryo from shoving it into his mouth.

“Not even for an ice cream?”

His ears perked up at the word “ice cream”. Realizing that his strategy worked, Ryo smirked inwardly.

“If you finish your cabbage, I’ll bring you to the park to buy the ice cream you loved so much.”

“Promise??” His Hime’s eyes shining brightly at him


The cat quickly opened his mouth and let Ryo shoved the leftover vegetables inside. He chewed slowly, as if afraid of the taste. The Hime quickly made a face, showing his strong dislike toward the said veggie.

“No more!!!” The Hime covered his mouth with both of his hands and made a move to run away from Ryo.

“Na-ah, finish it first before we can go to buy some ice cream.” Ryo said sternly while grabbing the Hime’s wrist to prevent his escape.

“I hate it! Don’t want to!” The Hime keep on refusing and trying to shake Ryo’s hands off him.

“Come on, don’t be a brat. Finish it quickly, it’s not that many. I won’t buy you ice cream I you don’t eat it” Ryo started to lose his own patience, because of the Hime’s stubbornness.

Now, his cat pouted at him because of the threat. But it seems that it was working since Hime did not make any move to run away anymore. Well, sometimes the Hime’s love for ice cream can bring advantage to him……….Although more often it will bring him headache…….(Remember the incident with Pi? Yeah…that’s exactly what he meant).

However, this time even ice cream almost failed to make the Hime eat his veggie. Ryo’s mind started to spin to find another idea to make his cat eat the cabbage. Suddenly he got it.

“Ne, Hime. Eat everything up and I’ll take you out to ride the Ferris wheel” Ryo said causing the Hime’s ear to perk up again.

“Ferris wheel???” His eyes become wide in curiosity.

“Yup. It is a fun-ride where you will be able to go up and up and up and up soooo high and you can see the whole city. Don’t you want to try?” Ryo added to his persuasion, convinced that his Hime will say yes.

“YES!!!” Take me there! Take me there!” He said excitedly while pulling Ryo’s sleeve, like a child begging to his parent.

“Only if you finish your veggie.”

The Hime raised his plate to his mouth immediately and gobbled up the entire leftover of cabbage. Although he immediately made a bitter face after that………

Sometimes Ryo felt like he was having a five-year-old kid rather than a pet/lover.

“Okay. Now go wear your clothes and hide your ears.”


He hated bringing Hime outside actually. He didn’t like another people to stare at his pet. And his Hime did attract many stare. Must be something to do with his cat’s pheromone or something…..

Especially now, that he was so happy, jumping around everywhere, excited by all that he saw, and worse of all, he kept on smiling non-stop. Surely, that attracted people’s attention. Many heads were turned when they were walking on the street, from both men and women. Ryo thought that he has just seen someone bumped his head on the lamp pole because of staring too much at the Hime……He grumbled inside.

His Hime was always turned to be so hyper when taken outside. He kept on running around everywhere leaving Ryo to be worried sick looking for him. Probably because he didn’t take him out that often…..

Well, he does prefer having the Hime all for himself…..behind closed door. Yeah….so not the time for perverted mind for now.

When the Hime was missing for the nth time, Ryo decided that he has had enough.

As he found him, Ryo grabbed the Hime’s hand tightly to prevent him from going anywhere further. Although he reluctantly do that in public because he was still worried about what people will think if they say two men holding hands…….but rather than losing the spoiled cat on the way……Being stared at is still definitely better.

“Do not let go of my hand.” Ryo said sternly to his cat, who only nodded at that.

But, he turned to be dragged all around the places where his Hime wanted to go. *sigh*Might still be better than keep on looking around for the brat, he guessed.

“Goshujin-sama, Ice cream!!!!” Tatsuya pointed at one ice cream stall in the park, as they walked down the road.

“Shush. Hime, not so loud. You’re disturbing other people. And call me Ryo when we’re outside” Ryo looked around with a nervous expression.

“……….Ice cream?” His Hime said again with a considerably lower voice and such a cute pleading mimic.

“……………..Yes, I’ll buy you some” Well, he did promised the Hime before that he would bought him ice cream.

“I love you, goshujin-sama!!” His Hime exclaimed in happiness, while closing their distance to plant a kiss on Ryo’s cheek.

Although he didn’t have he time to beam in happiness because of he kiss, for the Hime immediately dragged him to the ice cream stall *sigh* and why did he was called Goshujin-sama again??

Brat. Although, it is his lovely brat.

He ended up buying three ice cream (one for himself) because the Hime could not decided which taste he wanted, and therefore he figured that he just have to buy all the taste he wanted.

He held one ice cream in each of his hands and started licking them alternately. Just like a greedy little kid. And making such a happy face while eating them.

Ryo ended up staring at his pet lovingly, his own ice cream forgotten. How he loved the Hime’s smile.

“Ne, goshujin-sama? Your ice cream is melting” He heard Tatsuya said.

“Ah!” He let out when he felt the cold melted ice cream slithered down his hand. He quickly stuffed everything up to his mouth, earning himself a giggle from the cat.


“You have some……..” The Hime leaned forward to him and swipe his wet tongue on the side of Ryo’s lips. (Familiar scene?? Heheheheh)

He was dumbfounded

“There you go. I’ve cleaned you.” His Hime said with a face-splitting smile, looking at him as if expecting something.

Still nothing registered on his mind. He’s still trying to figure out how to react.

“Goshujin-sama?” His pet said after a looong moment of silence.

“Hime! No licking on public!” He suddenly burst out, startled by his pet “indecent” behavior in public. (Although they have done much more licking on each other in private………)

“Ehh? But you always let me do it at home……” He scratched his head with confusion at his master’s sudden change of behavior.

“Well, it’s okay to do it at home. But no more licking on public where everyone else could see, okay?” He said rather forcefully with a blush creeping on his face when the thought of them licking each other at home….One more reason why he liked keeping the Hime home for himself.

“Because you said so?” His pet has apparently learned that Ryo would always answer that way.

“Because I said so.” He stated firmly

“Okayyyy…..” Tatsuya answered uncertainly.

“Let’s just go to the Ferris wheel now?” Ryo said to put an end to their “discussion”.

“YES!!!” His cat answered cheerfully, forgetting already about his previous trouble.


“Goshujin-sama, look! look!” The cat was pointing at random things he found interesting from their seat in the Ferris wheel’s compartment. His jumpy-ness increased even more when they were already inside the Ferris wheel and it started to move.

Really…..He felt like babysitting some toddler rather than having a so-called-date with his pet/lover….

But he couldn’t deny the fact that his Hime looked really cute being all excited and hyperactive…..

Like now, when he stared at the scenery from the moving Ferris wheel, his face is showing such an amazed expression and he literally beamed.

Ryo moved closer to his cat and hugged him from behind.

“Do you like it?” He asked casually to his pet, whom just leaned himself toward Ryo, resting his back on his master’s chest without taking his eyes off the view from the window.

He nodded.

Ryo nuzzled his pet’s neck from behind, sniffing his lover’s scent that he loved so much.

Tatsuya suddenly turned to him, letting go Ryo’s hug in the process.

“Thank you, goshujin-sama” He said earnestly to Ryo, with a sincere smile and happy expression.

His heart skipped a beat.

“Good boy” Ryo patted the cat’s head and ruffled his hair lovingly, and was rewarded with another smile from the Hime.

For the second time that day, he could only stare at the beautiful creature God has given to him….

“Ne, Goshujin-sama? Tatsuya want to show you his thanks” Suddenly the cat broke his thought.

“Oh?” Ryo could only answer with, didn’t know what to expect.

His Hime slowly leaned forward and, again, swipe his wet warm tongue on Ryo’s lips.

For the third time, he only stared….still trying to register everything.

“I can lick you when we’re alone, right?” His cat cheekily asked.

That moment something snapped in Ryo’s mind, and he responded by leaning forward to catch the intrusive tongue before it can go anywhere further.


“Thank you for riding with us today, please comes back soon!!” The Ferris wheel’s staff said to all of his customers who are going down from the ride.

It was not a really busy night and they were only having a small number of customers.

Just now, a little girl just came down with his mom, both smiling happily at him.

So that means, there were just several more people up in the ride: Two pair of high-schooler (who are clearly on a date), a father with his two sons, two elderly couple, and a pair of two men (one is a beautiful cheerful brown-haired guy and the other is a scary-but-apparently-caring black-haired guy)…….

The elderly couple has just got down from the ride; he shouted his usual “thank you” and “please come back” sentence to them. The next one would be the one pair of two men, he remembered. Well, he remembered because he thought that it was rather weird for two grown-up men to ride the Ferris wheel together…..usually his customers are couples and parents with their kids…….

But hey, as long as they are paying customers……

Oh, here comes their compartment.

“Thank you for riding with us today, please comes back soon!!” He said for the countless times that day.

The door opened and the black-haired men went down first and he held the door for the brown-haired men to go down after him.

Are they…….looking more disheveled than when they got up on the ride? He thought confusedly. The beautiful guy’s hair was ruffled rather wildly and his shirt was messy. As for the other guy, mostly the same, but……

He went closer to the black-haired guy and whispered slowly to him.

“Excuse me sir, your jeans’ zipper is undone……” He said in low voice with no mean of embarrassing his customer.

The short guy’s faced was beyond shocked after he said that. He immediately gained all different hue of red on his face and he looked aghast at the Ferris wheel’s staff.

He immediately looked down at his zipper and found out that what the staff said is true and quickly fixed it, muttered “thank you”, immediately dragged the beautiful brown-haired guy with him, and ran away from the “crime” scene.





Are they…………….?

Oh crap.


A/N: Sorry if it sucks!! I’m feeling pretty low on energy (and life…..), so it probably shown….
Your comments (or constructive criticism) will really brighten up my day~

ryoda, fanfic, mini-series, kimi wa petto

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