May Skies..

May 14, 2007 21:36

Yes i'm still talking about it. :P

Something is different about Jin after he's back. I'm not sure, but i think it's different in a good way.
That period of time before he left.. He was constantly lethargic and distracted. Plagued with horrible rumours. When he was away.. It disturbed me that if he comes back still like that, nothing would really have changed.
But i don't know, he's just so happy these days. Or so it seems to me. (: I can't really explain it, and i'm tempted to talk like the Chinese fandom - the "aura" is different. (:

And he's working very, very hard.
Can't say 6 months was nothing, cos KAT-TUN was truly moving on without him, and there's A LOT for him to catch up on. But he's really trying, and it just makes me wanna cheer him on. "I may not be able to do everything right now, but i'm now working very hard to present to you a complete performance soon."
And fans are talking about how he's dancing with his 100% at the concerts. We know he hasn't been doing that for a long time. :P

There're probably alotta things going on behind the scenes that fans will never know (cos their jimusho is dark like that D: LOL), but some things just.. show. (: Like how glad Kame, Taguchi, Koki, Ueda and Nakamaru are to have him back. And just like how hard Jin is working to catch up with them, they too are working hard to make Jin feel at home. They just can't stop disturbing him, be it with Sailormoon or Evangelion LOL. That's how guys express themselves, yes? ^^

Thank you Taguchi for telling Jin where to go when he's lost during a new song (hopefully not in a "you're just no good aren't you" way ©Utaban, SPAZZ). Thank you Koki for answering that question for Jin before the press con started, for peptalking Jin in LA (cos you gotta care enough for a person to peptalk him/her), and for telling Jin more than once on the concerts "don't go to LA again"~ Thank you Maru for constantly whispering to Jin about how things on cKT work. Thank you Ueda for the same, and for squeezing Jin away with your butt ROFL. Thank you Kame for accompanying Jin for his intensive dance training. You show your concern for Jin more discreetly than the rest, but i don't think we've ever doubted it~

Like Koki, i wouldn't want Jin to leave again.. Causes too much emotional distress. D: But looking back at it all, i think it did him well? Gave him the break he needed, and it prolly was a very humbling experience for him too.

Okaerinasai Jin, for the umpteenth time. :D

* * *

Finally got to watch Jounetsu Tairiku~ It was like a documentary of Nino, a very good watch.. Somewhat like a classier version of "Tokyo Superstars" LOL~
They tagged along while Nino attended his various work assignments, and basically showed us his life as an artiste, as a Johnny.
I was very impressed when they showed Nino playing his PSP during the filming of "We can make it" PV, just like what we saw on Utaban.. But thing is, Nino was actually paying attention to everything that was going on around him, PV discussion and all that. D: He promptly did whatever was required of him and didn't have a single NG take.
I think this programme really made me see Nino in a different way... Johnny's as a profession. :O

"Idols are people who can read the atmosphere. They know very well where the boundaries are, and they know what exactly is required of them. They understand what to do at respective timings. But.. That's something I actually like (about being an idol). Basically, we can't live according to our own will."

I think i've mentioned it before, but yes i really like to see the boys go on variety shows that they don't usually get to go on. This was Oishinsuke, with Ryo & Hina amongst the guest lineup. So for this certain game, Ryo would be presented with two dishes in each round, and the rest of the guests would have to guess which one he'd prefer to eat. Guests who guessed it wrong would be eliminated, and then in the next round Ryo would have to choose between the chosen dish and yet another new dish. This goes on for 6 or 7 rounds.

To everyone's shock, Hina got ALLL the rounds correct, when EVERYONE else was eliminated by the second round, ROFL so you see Hina playing by himself for majority of the game. XDDDDDD Host was asking Hina "You're a fan (of Ryo's), aren't you?! D:<"

I think it's amazing how well Hina understood Ryo~♥ He was guessing his way through most of the rounds LOLOLOL but still, wow. Guests were all so baffled!

Subaru on Million Family some weeks ago was interesting too. 3 family members hide themselves in the house, and if guests fail to find them, the family gets 1 million bucks. Somewhat like a very advanced version of hide-and-seek, complete with traps and whatnots. D:
I've always watched the game on this Taiwanese variety programme, but i never knew they'd copied it from a Japanese programme. Japanese one does it so much better too LOL~

Baby monkey kept Ryo so busy LOL kawaiiiii!
Last cap is there cos i just LOVE how Yoko let the puppy snuggle so comfortably under his jacket~♥

Guest on this Muchaburi was Kawashima Ai, whose songs i've always liked. Her stuff are generally very simple and.. almost boring LOL, but i just find them very soothing to listen to. ♥
I really like the upcoming single she sang on Muchaburi, "Kimi ni....."~ Here be "compass", another of my favorite songs of hers.

And i tried ONE OK ROCK's recent single too, and surprisingly, i like it alot! Punkrockish, and i really like how the ex-NEWS member sounds here.

When was the last time i pimped anything chinese? :D Here be a chinese song that i've been listening alot to since yesterday~ Really pretty song! The chinese title literally translates to "May Sky", but interestingly it's also the chinese name of a band called Mayday(♥!!), and they got Mayday's lead vocalist to star in the PV. They were so cute together, GUHHH~~

* * *

Weekend was busy but enjoyable. Watched Spiderman3 with some friends, amongst other things. Like, FINALLY LOL. I think i was one of the last Singaporeans to watch it. XD
Hmm i think the movie wasn't bad.. Possibly cos quite a number of people have told me it sucked, so i didn't go in with too high expectations LOL.
Now i can't wait for POTC3!
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