I've been meaning to post a few pictures here for a little while. A few weeks back when a friend was in town, we went down to Frying Pan Farm Park to check out the assorted livestock there.
In one of the areas they had a bunch of young calves. Among 'em was this fellow. He looks to be the son of a well-fed (big and fat) Angus bull and Hereford cow who were hanging out in a nearby pasture. He was the biggest of the calves and, in my opinion, the best looking:
On the stables front, there has been a pigeon hanging around the barn for the past couple weeks. I first saw him the Sunday before last and again this past Sunday. He (she?) is wary, but definitely not afraid of humans. One can get quite close to him.
I noticed that on one of his legs is a red band. I wonder if people still race pigeons and if, perhaps, he got blown way off course in the big storms a few weeks back. According to Irina, he shows up every morning and afternoon at feeding times and goes after any spilled grain. I suspect the barn hands 'accidentally spill' a handful or so his way daily.
In other news, the storm clouds outside this morning turned the light outside blue. Not blue as in blue sky, or just some twilighty thing, but everything had a blue cast to it. It reminded me of watching tv shows and movies from the 60s and 70s where they'd put a blue filter over the camera lens to make it look like a scene was occurring at night, even though it was obviously shot in daylight.