
Feb 02, 2012 21:34

Ok, so my day jobs seems to have turned into redrawing all the footprints for KiCAD as lots of them are just plain wrong or missing. Everyday ordinary things like electrolytic capacitors and .1" molex connectors. The supplied libraries have cryptic names mixing inches and millimeters all over the place, and are written by a frenchman so even the comments make no sense. You have to guess that DB9MC and DB9MD stand for couche and droit (flat and right angle I think). Then there are things like C1V7 which actually means 6.35mm. Please can this stupid Imperial measurement system just die already?

As it's an open source program, it's obviously my job to fix it, as nobody else can be expected to do it for free if I won't. I do wonder why so many things aren't done right in the first place however. Maybe the answer is that a lot of people just aren't very systematic in the way they approach things. I'm always refactoring things to make a more elegant structure, so it seems natural to expect other things to be elegant.. but in a lot of areas there are big fat hairy kludges that have been put into place to fix something temporarily with the expectation that some future revision will rewrite everything from scratch. But then it never comes.. so somebody else has to do a hairy kludge on top of the previous one and you end up with a big tangled mass of them one on top of the other.

It goes for Intel cpus as much as it does for the UK tax/benefit system. Or come to think of it the entire western economy. How else can you explain the existence of worthless crap like banks, lawyers, police, stockbrokers, estate agents.. there's a long list of people whose entire life is a leftover kludge from a problem which should have been long obsolete. But these things evolve to have a life of their own..
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