fed up.. a rant in several parts.

Jan 23, 2012 12:49

Today I am fed up with Unity on ubuntu, and further finding it really hard to get back to the old gnome panel I had where there was a programs button in the right place (with apps sorted into neat categories unlike windows), a taskbar with all my open windows (you know, the stuff I'm actually doing right now rather than a bunch of things I might use possibly but will probably just distract me from work), being able to see what windows I actually have open (the launcher buttons in unity seem to think you'll only ever have one window of an app open at once and make it hard to switch between), having the menu bar in the right place (attached to the app its relevant to instead of at the top of the screen where it could be connected to anything). To cap it all it fails miserably with dual monitors, so to grab the window filling the second screen I have to go to the second screen, focus it, go back to the top panel of the main screen and drag it back to the second screen. It is completely retarded beyond belief.

The Gnome Classic option does not let me move the panels around so I am stuck with two panels, one at the bottom where it should be and one at the top where the title bar of the current app should be. I used to be able to move all the panels around in previous versions of Gnome, but now I can't. This sucks. It sucks so bad it's making me yearn for Windows again.

Basically it's all far too much like an Apple. And I hate Apples. They are famed for their UIs but they got a lot wrong with the original Mac and did things to cope with the small screens of the time which are not good when you have a lot of screen space and a lot going on at once. If you only need to run a few specific programs which you use all the time then its fine, but for serious use Apples suck. My laptop is on its fourth battery, and my phone its third, what the hell would I have done if I couldn't have replaced them? Further, the fact that every idiot in the world wants an iPhone means that it's really difficult to get a phone with a proper keyboard and Android at the same time. The continued prevalence of horrid text speak on the Internet proves that on screen keyboards are just not good enough.


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