Title: Reverse Reaction
Fandom: Bleach
Character(s): Arisawa Tatsuki
Prompt: #21 - Accept Defeat
Word Count: 225
Rating: G
Author's Notes: This one was actually for fun. ;33 But then
vicious_lullaby showed me her new comm, and I just had to enter in. XDD MM, TATSUKI DRAMA. 'CAUSE IT'S BETTER THAN YOUR MOM. Thanks to her for the beta-ing as well. :3 ILU. 8D
They think I'm stupid, and I nearly hate them for it. )
Comments 3
And I really love this line: It’s hard not to become suspicious of your-so-called “nakama” when they’re running out to save the world (or whatever) during class when you’re all supposed to be working on your next math problem.
I'm really excited to see you do the rest of these themes. XDD
Really? XD I wasn't too sure about that line. I couldn't decide between the math problem or changing it to something else.
XDD I'm going to have to try extra hard then.
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