Title: keep up
Day/Theme: March 15; and I breathe where you breathe
Fandom: Double Arts
Characters: Elraine; impliiiiied Kiri/Elraine
Rating: G
Word Count: 112
They move as one in their mock-battle practice, feet sliding to the left at the same time and graceful leaps performed to complement one another. Their hands are together at all times in some way or form, skin contact both needed and comforting.
But this time, Elraine notes with a grin, she is the one leading.
She instructs him on how to dance, reminds him of their pace, and repeats the rhythm whenever he falters. He finds it rather annoying, but she refuses to let this one chance of being just a bit better escape.
And so she leads him while she can, and he follows her breathing the best he can.