Title: Won’t let you forget.
Day/Theme: June 2 - if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free
Series: Valiant
Character/Pairing: Lolli
Word Count: 183
Rating: PG
When Lolli stands on the street corner, watching every day and time pass by, she thinks, ‘Yeah, well, maybe I never needed them anyways.’
But even when she’s getting shot full of Never, even when she’s getting her heart’s desire from everyone who passes by, she thinks back and wonders on what if’s and why not’s. She toys with the idea of if they all stayed under the streets forever, if time would pass by in little stops of high’s and hangover’s again.
Sure, it wasn’t much of a life, but it was still their life, her life, and no one could change it.
Until, well, Val decided to change it. But that was from the inside, not the outside, so she was still sort-of-half right.
And sure, yeah, she could have gone along. She could have stayed at the hospital, could have watched Luis and Dave grow up and mature, could have seen Val change into a hero, but where would that leave her? Hero’s sidekick? Friend’s love interest? Nobody?
She’d rather leave while her name was still stuck in the memories.