Title: Welcome Back
Dislaimer: Not mine. ;;
Fandom: Gundam 00
Character(s): Marina Ismail, Setsuna F. Seiei
Word Count: 296
Rating: G
Spoilers for end of the season.
In a quiet, silent corner of her heart, Marina believes that Setsuna F. Seiei is not dead.
Life rolls on days and hours, time divided neatly into meetings and breaks, but she can’t stop herself from thinking of him. The boy whose eyes held strength and determination, a knowing that didn’t belong in the eyes of someone so young. But then, this is in so many of the eyes of the children in her country. Time has flowed by and still she has not gotten rid of it, or at least changed it.
She won’t give up though. If a boy could fight on until his death, then so could she.
Not that she really believed that though. Even if Celestial Being was supposedly inactive now, even if the world had moved on from the interventions, she knew that he had to be alive somewhere, still fighting on his separate path. There was no way he would let himself stop.
But she wants to tell him that he doesn’t have to fight anymore. He doesn’t have to do so much, can finally stop and rest. He can finally stop and smile.
Marina secretly wonders what he would look like if he smiled, if the age in his face would become younger and less like an adult’s. Of course, she knows that he must have smiled at one point, even if it was only when he was a baby. It’s a little hard to believe, and the thought of it makes herself smile.
This is why years later, when she looks on the screen and sees a Gundam yet again, she doesn’t gasp like the others in the room. She doesn’t say, “Not again,” or even, “Oh, God.”
She smiles to herself and whispers, “Welcome back, Setsuna.”