Depression Spree. Don't worry, it'll pass.

Dec 03, 2008 05:15

I cried alone in my living room about 45 minutes ago. Two nights ago I cried myself to sleep.

I am a selfish woman for wanting something so desperately when I have a fabulous almost 4 year old to handle.

I am an unfortunate woman for wanting something so desperately and realizing it will probably never be something I can obtain.

I am a completely pathetic woman to settle for any roadkill that resembles that something.

I am a worn out and tired woman from working so hard at being the type of girl that isn't like those types of girls.

I am an emotional train wreck of a woman that has to use a threadbare cloaking device to hide the train wreck from the good citizens eyes.

~I am a worn out, tired, unfortunate, selfish, pathetic, emotional train wreck of a woman. And I'm wiped out at pretending otherwise.~

But don't worry, by the time the sun comes up, I'll have fixed my make-up and slashed the corners of my mouth in a permi-grin and all will be right with me in your world.


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