May 27, 2005 09:40
You know, its one thing to have to worry about all the crap that's going on over here, while I try to keep my ass from getting blown off, but its another when you have to deal with shit from back at home as well. Juggling wrenches with my weapon is hard enough, if I have to juggle anything more, somethings gonna fall down.
Simple things become very difficult because of the time restrictions and time zone.
A simple task of paying my bills and making sure they are in working order is further made dauntingly difficult by the idiots that work at the customer service centers of the companies.
My insurance company is ripping me off. I haven't driven my car in 9 months and I am still paying an arm and a leg for insurance, just so it can sit in a Government facility and rot away, without a care in the world.
It's so hard to get anything done over here, other than military shit. I have to work at trying to get to the phone center at a certain time, because we are 11/12/something fuckin hours ahead of the rest of the world. Otherwise, everyone worth talking to is dead asleep in their beds, even the bill collectors. When I get to the phone center, of course every soldier in 1000 mile radius of the area is trying to use the phone too, at the very same time. Not to mention its like 2000 dollars a minute, just to call back to the fuckin states.
I shouldn't be stressing out on this shit. I have more important things to worry about, like making it back to the states with all of my limbs intact. But for some reason, life likes to throw me curve-balls. I can't hit them very well yet, but its like they always say, "practice makes perfect".
Man, civilian life is going to be soooooo cake. Never again will I complain about a 9 to 5'er.