This is so me right now. Except maybe that I am more than half-empty. Running on fumes.
We are short on bodies at work, and I am spread thinner than a teaspoon of jam on a French baguette. Giant $8 billion merger? That's me. Huge litigation against 4 parties that have their own separate fancy teams of litigators? That's me. Another deal with at least 30 distinct organic compounds that are each pronounced in 8 different ways due to the differing international accents of the parties involved? That's me (that's also me suffering from heartburn and flashing back to almost failing organic chemistry twice in college). At any other firm, there would be multiple associates staffed to any one of these deals, not one little me spread across the three of them.
I know I will make it through and I will be ok in the end. But, boy oh boy, I really am kind of dreading the journey to that point.
I think this is why they call it blood money.