May 19, 20 and 21 mark the annual zodiacal conjunction of the Pleiades with the Sun. Pleiades is my favourite constellation. These are the Mayan Days of No Shadows, when, in the Mayan lands, vertical lines cast no shadows. Today is the midpoint.
According to the Calendar from the Book of Nin, today celebrates the birth of the Sun in Inca belief. The Sun was born on Isla de Sol in Lake Titicaca. Shortly afterwards, the Sun gave birth to the first Inca, also on this island
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Today, we buried my cat, Skywalker. He died back in February, but the ground was frozen, so they froze him. Today, we took him up into the mountains, to a little valley by a little lake. It's beautiful. We buried him there.
Interestingly, and this wasn't planned, in the Mayan Long Count, today is 13 is Ben, which is Skywalker.-