Meditations on Daleth...

Jul 07, 2008 22:25

The fourth letter in the Aleph-Beit is Daleth.  Daleth is the Door, and mystically is the poor man that Gimel runs to give to.  As the Door, Daleth is the opening in the left side of Beit, the House of G-d.  As the poor man, Daleth, made from a Vev on its side on the top of another Vev, is a symbol of humility, representing a man bent over.  Only the humble can enter through the Door and come into the House of G-d.  Daleth represents Malkuth, which has nothing of its own, receiving all from the Sephiroth above.  Daleth is also the number 4, which is the number of worlds, the number of elements, the number of seasons.  All these things show a complete, united single thing made out of four separate parts.

On the most common version of the Hebrew Tree of Life, Gimel connects Chokmah to Chesed, Wisdom to Mercy, and Daleth connects Binah to Geburah, Understanding to Judgement.  The right Pillar represents giving, as Gimel gives.  The left Pillar represents receiving, as Daleth receives.  In the Ira's version of the Tree, Gimel connects Binah and Geburah instead, and Daleth connects Kether and Tipherah.  In this way, Daleth symbolizes the unreachableness of Kether giving to what is below through Tipherah.

On the Western Tree, Daleth connects Chokmah and Binah, where Shin is on the Hebrew Trees.  Before the Fool comes, the Empress site here, but after he has moved on, the Emperor finds himself in this throne.

The Empress initially sites here in Daleth, between Wisdom and Understanding, for she has both.  Traditionally, her throne is in the wilderness, far from worldly things.  Humility is easier away from the world than in the midst of it.  It is here, in Daleth, that she is given the things she gives as gifts when she moves on to Gimel.  It is in humility and receiving that we learn to give.

Along comes the Fool and finds himself in Daleth.  Here, he learns that he isn't the centre of the world, that there are things out there greater than himself.  He is brought low in the wilderness, so he will understand what he has later one.

The Fool moves on and the Emperor finds himself in the throne of humility, instead of his normal throne.  Even here, he is in control, but here he is in control of himself.  The Emperor at Daleth is a person in control of themselves while knowing their limits.  There is no false-pride here, even when there is control and structure.

In what ways does your pride get in your way?  In what ways do you need to humble yourself.  The pursuit of Wisdom has to begin with humility.  You begin in Malkuth, having nothing.  Once you understand you have nothing and that all has to be given, you can receive.  Take all that is given to you, for without it, you have nothing.  Look for the Door; it stands open for the humble.  Walk through it.  Daleth is a place of opportunity.  Stop and quit struggling for a moment today and look what your options are.

~Muninn's Kiss

opportunity, poverty, tarot:fool, kabbalah:paths:gimel, mysticism, tarot:emperor, tarot, tarot:empress, humility, language, religion, jewish, kabbalah, kabbalah:paths, door

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