Jul 03, 2008 07:51
The last Sephirah (or first if you start from the bottom) is Malkuth, Kingdom. Malkuth is the world we live in, but not what we see around us. Malkuth is the reality, the Truth, behind what our thoughts, memories, emotions, and senses tell us the world is. Malkuth is the start of mysticism, the start of the journey toward the Light. As creation started with Kether and developed down to Malkuth, return begins with Malkuth and moves up the Tree back to Kether. Malkuth is the ultimate feminine Sephirah, being feminine to all other Sephiroth, just as Kether is male to all others. But in each world, the Malkuth of one is the Kether of the next closer to us. Malkuth means royalty, royal power, reign. kingdom, sovereign power, realm, royal dominion. Malkuth is the place that Kether, Crown rules.
Malkuth is the resting place of Shekhinah, the feminine aspect of G-d, who represents the Bride. Malkuth is the Lower Mother. Malkuth is about beginning to let G-d shape your life, about beginning to seek G-d. All other Sephiroth power down into Malkuth, and Malkuth inspires to climb up to them. Malkuth is about humility and submission, and is represented as Daleth, the poor man, who charity is given to. It isn't a submission to a back-breaking tyrant, but to all that G-d gives, Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Mercy, Justice, Beauty, Victory, Glory, and Foundation. Malkuth is about humbling yourself enough to receive what is offered to you. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.
Malkuth is both the Tens and Pages of Tarot. The Tens are about completion, not the earthly completion of the nines, but the final spiritual result of each suit. They are the end of each path. They are like Malkuth, the last Sephirah to be created, finishing the Tree. The Ten of Wands means you have used up everything you had in you, and got all you wanted. You have what you were looking for, and are at the top, but have all the burdens that go along with it. The Ten of Wands is Overextending, Burdens, and Struggle. The Ten of Cups is having everything emotionally and relationally you wanted. It is a very happy card. It is Joy, Peace, and Family. The Ten of Swords is the opposite. The worst has happened. It is as bad as you think it is, but it can't get worse. It is the reality of being at the bottom, but it can't get worse, so there is hope here, too. The Ten of Swords is Bottoming Out, Victim Mentality, and Martyrdom. The Ten of Pentacles is having everything you wnat physically. You have the possessions and finaces you want. Everything is stable and good. The Ten of Pentacles is Affluence, Permanence, and Convention.
The Pages are the messengers. They are also called the Princesses, but don't necessarily reflect the feminine. They are about inexperience and being childlike, but also direction. Malkuth is the place where we begin, so we don't yet have the experience. But it is a place that gives us direction. The Page of Wands is always moving, always doing something. She brings the message to Be Creative, Be Enthusiastic, Be Courageous, and Be Confident. The Page of Cups is always day dreaming, has a love for stories, and a great imagination. She brings the message to Be Emotional, Be Intuitive, Be Intimate, Be Loving. The Page of Swords is always asking "Why?" and always telling everyone everything she hears. She loves puzzles and is quick to learn. She brings the message to Use Your Mind, Be Truthful, Be Just, and Have Fortitude. The Page of Pentacles is always building things and is very industrious. She can be very wise, but also too serious. She brings the message to Have an Effect, Be Practical, Be Prosperous, and Be both Trusting and Trustworthy.
Are you too proud to receive help? Too proud to ask for it? In Malkuth, humble yourself and ask, receive. Do you feel a need for something more? Malkuth is the start of finding that. Be willing to receive, and all things will come to you, at least all things that are really important. This is the beginning of the mystic journey, where all religion, all faith, all power, everything begins. Malkuth is about realizing the illusions we bind ourselves with and letting go of them to find freedom. The world is not limited by what we know, feel, and experience. Malkuth is about realizing there is more and stepping out into the more.
~Muninn's Kiss