Aug 11, 2009 22:59
Well. I've finally managed to get Hetalia 28 and 29 watched.
Notes on 28: I'm a little confused about the animators' choice of Finland's iris color, but I'll eventually get over it.
And on 29: I've never been Russia's biggest fan, but I must admit that he is a cute yandere. And Latvia's line just cracked me up: "I hate this life! Let's go rely on Germany!" Well, it worked for Italy. What boggled my brain is that Lithuania pronounced Germany too scary. When he lives with an enormous psychopath that beats him. Oh well. The trembling trio had lovely eyes, too (even if the weren't exactly the colors Hidekaz assigned). And ah, the banana-ice cream incident. Oh America. Only you. (Notice how England is decent enough to not only offer ice cream, but cart our hero to the hospital as well. What a star.)
And I've been thinking: remember how Koreo thoroughly insisted that Hetalia should not be animated because of Korea's characterization? I hope they won't be pissy or anything if the animators don't add Korea at all.
"Why hasn't Korea been written into the anime yet?"
"Well, when you betched about it earlier, we promised not to put Korea in the anime."
"How rude! We invented animation!"
Or something... not to be offensive or anything, but...