I had an even freer evening than expected last night: Mr. 42 went out for a bottle share event with his co-workers. A small part of of me thought, "Hmmph!" But most of me stretched out on the sofa and snuggled with the dogs.
Apart from disappointing dinner (mostly because I was too lazy to go out and buy food or ingredients), it was a good evening. I gave the girls a nice, long walk after nightfall, which we all enjoyed despite a kid on a BMX bike with no light, no bell, no helmet, and no sense of self-preservation riding right up behind us on an unlit stretch of sidewalk, which startled me and the dogs. Thankfully, I managed to pull the dogs off the sidewalk without getting their leashes tangled in the bike, and Clara didn't actually bite the rider. I'm still trying to figure out if he was actually trying to scare us or just being a teenaged boy. I called him a dumb-ass, which wasn't very neighborly, but FFS.
Once I got back, I did some good work on my music for Friday (rehearsal) and Saturday (service). The low alto part isn't painfully low (yay!), and the Tallis and Willan missa brevis we're doing are quite lovely. I'm not yet sold on the offertory anthem, which is Willan's somewhat odd setting of a somewhat odd Marian text. The only recording I could find of it is obviously too fast, but at least it'll help get the kind of odd tonality in the ear. So we'll see. Apparently they did it once before for the festival and it didn't go all that well, so Saturday is an attempt at redemption. But mostly that just means I need to be super solid on it because it's weird :D
I took it easy the rest of the evening and got some A+ puppy cuddles in. I went to bed, knowing Mr. 42 would be back late, but of course I wasn't able to sleep until he was home. I wasn't able to sleep for a bit after he was home, either, since he had a very loud case of the hiccups. But eventually sleep happened. Not as much as I'd like, but it was all right. I was able to drag myself out of bed without too many regrets and/or naughty words.
Alas, I made no writing progress on the bus this morning due to where I had to sit, so I'm hoping to get some writing done at lunch and/or on the bus home. I do have another free night tonight, I might write, although my first priority is getting more comfortable with this week's music. And, if this week's music goes well, possibly working on the stuff we're doing in combination with another church's section leaders for Michelmas, which includes Harris's glorious "Faire is the Heaven." I've done it before, but it's been a few years.
Yay music! Yay for finding some empty spaces for my brain to relax into and fill with things! Yay for maybe even finding time to read another book from my glorious birthday pile!
And speaking of reading, here's what I've been enjoying today:
Spiders Blamed After Broken Siren Played Creepy Nursery Rhymes Randomly at NIght to UK Townsfolk An amazing piece on the toxic way our culture deals with obesity A++ old people trolling in re: Blockbuster in the Captain Marvel trailer Laurie Penny eviscerates disingenuous calls for "dialogue" in re: hateful ideologies Right. I have a few time-sensitive tasks to take care of at work. Let me see about getting those done and then grab some lunchy comestibles.
Smooches to All!