Oct 10, 2006 23:57
Hello every one, I am back in the world of the text. I just finished going through and replying to a bunch of LJ comments from my last post. However I did it through gmail and then discovered that non of them seem to have gone through, so to hell with the individual replying.
Thank you all for you comments and wishes it is very much appriciated. Zentiger I know that you never knew I existed in this realm of bites of information, nothing personal I am just that quiet guy in the coner that no one ever see. :) Mark me a friend I shall do the same. Then you can catch those random post that I make.
Dragonbane, it is all good. That party was great and much need for both of us. No hard filling of you bouncing around the house that is the price of being a host. You become the social slut of the night to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied. ;)
Susanbeth I could do nothing but wish you the best in everything. Our small conversations have been great and maybe we can have more. ;)
Savy and everyone thanks again for everything and all the support it is very much appriciated. By all means drop me a word or two so I can have less reason for hiding and never saying anything. I am at technocraticfilm@gmail.com or here. This then gives me your contact info with out giving it to the world. My world is small enough if extra people find my info it is not a problem. *Take a weary look to the sky at Loki, Murphy, and all the other deviant deities that like to make me and others eat our words*
Now back to rest of life.