Nov 23, 2005 07:55
i actully am getting a handle on this thing! its pretty cool...this whole Live Journal thing...i wonder how many people actully read these far, i think sam was the only one to comment...but since i only got it two days ago, and i have like 5 friends....thats not to shabby!
So, yesterday, was breakout practice (puppet ministry @ our church) we only got like, half an hour to practice, so we did not have to time to set up the stage, doing puppets without one is rather akward....sara and jackson got to see the rather odd and wacky things we do beind the stage. i know its pretty sad, thats really the most exciting thing ive done since the medieval feast that my school put on last week.
Oh my gosh, im just looking @ the time....7:49 in the morning.....goshy, thats INSANE!!! No one should be awake @ this God-forsaken hour of the day....
so, i guess this will be int till i can tell about thanksgiving!