I'm back... sorta

Oct 15, 2007 18:36

I've had very sporadic internet access for a while now and haven't found the time to post here so apologies this will be quite a long post.

So first off the reasons for no intarweb goodness. Well work have noticed that I spend a lot of time surfing the net so I'm keeping my usage there down. You'd think being married to a computer geek would mean I have access at home apparently not. My pc stopped working in March 06 and Andy still hasn't got round to fixing it. I was using his pc but that packed up a couple of months ago and he hasn't even sorted that out either. At the moment I'm using his old work laptop but I suspect they'll want it back very soon. I am going to have to kick Andy until he gets me the internet back. But its one of the annoying things about him living in London 4 days a week that he doesn't have time to do stuff at home.

And on that note I am starting to get depressed by the whole London thing. It is still better than Andy coming home every day for a couple of hours and being so stressed that we'd end up arguing the whole time but the situation is still far from ideal. The zombie film , as much fun as it was, did not help at all because three whole weekends on the trot were swallowed up by it and the amount of time Andy and I were spending together dwindled to pretty much fuck all. Its the silly little things that bug me the most. I'm sure things will get better but the film and social lives have thrown us all out of kilter and its taking a while to recover.

On to the film. I think it was a success for Andy and the rest of our friends that were involved so I am very happy for them. I was very impressed by what they'd acheived and it was quite an experience running round after a film crew and setting up scenes for them. I wasn't so impressed about taking everything down but thats what happens when you're married to Andy. There is talk of us doing set builds and costumes for a version of Beowulf next summer so I'll wait and see what happens there.

In happier news I came back from an awesome weekend away where I found out I'm going to be an aunt in March :-)  :-)  :-)  I'm over the moon for my sister because she has been trying for a while and she's had a couple of heartbreaks in the past but finally it looks like things are going well. It was pretty good as far as weekends go because I got to see Darran and my parents and then came home to movies and pizza with Andy :-)

I don't really have any plans for this week, I've got to take my car to the garage and hope that they don't charge me a fortune and thats about it. I'm currently trying to decide where to watch the rugby - Andy is seeing friends this weekend and doesn't really like rugby so thats one idea out of the window. I'm tempted to go back to Basingstoke and watch it with Darran and his family but I don't think I'll decide till later in the week. My tummy is grumbling now so I'm off to make stir fry. And then after that there will be many phone calls catching up with people I haven't spoken to in a while.
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