Another ADWD post! Equally spoilerific!

Jul 17, 2011 01:08

Alright, so now I have come as far as The King's Prize, so no spoilers regarding after that, please! Other than that, feel free to comment and discuss! :D :D :D

[Tyrion 2]
Nothing much happens here, except that I kind of like Illyrio, full of bullshit as he is, and Tyrion continues to roll around in self-pity. It doesn't annoy me as much as it would have otherwise, maybe because I find his reaction to the whole ordeal with betrayal from his beloved brother and unexpected guilt regarding Tysha very fitting. Tyrion may be one of the nicest persons in the book, whether he believes it or not, and I kind of like his sudden stumble into depression.

Can't wait for him to get over it though.

[the merchant's man]
I can't help it; I couldn't be less interested in Quentyn. He's... boring. I wouldn't expect it from a Martell man (for some reason. Not everybody can be a viper, I suppose) but the man is boring.

[Jon 2]
Not much happens. Some bartering and some goodbyes. But what really piqued my interest was the small tidbits of information about the Others that they've got. Noooo don't send Sam away! He's the only one interested in the library!

YES YES YES! Janos Flynt finally bit the dust! *waves a small celebratory flag*

[Tyrion 3]
Heehee, I so love Tyrion's banter. &heart;
Kind of like Haldon so far, but I'm not fond of Griff. Hm.

[Davos 1]
Okay, Davos is sweet but I always found him a bit boring to read about. Like Eddard Stark he is maybe one of the few nice people in the series. I'm kind of waiting for him to have his head cut off though, which makes reading about him extra sad. :(

[Jon 3]
Being burned alive is a horrible, gruesome death and I almost felt sick reading about it. And so undignified, especially for Mance. Seemed like such a waste of good character.
Okay, so now they're trying to patch the different sides of the Wall up, with everyone well aware of the impending zombie apocalypse waiting to happen.

Can't we all just get along??? XD

[Daenerys 2]
COME ON! She locked her dragons away? How will she train them then? She should be busy training them to obey her commands and not eat people! Down there they'll only grow to resent her! AUGH! No wonder Drogon went away.

[Reek 1]
Oh dear... I didn't like Theon, but I never wished him that. That kind of abuse makes me sick to my stomach, I just kept wishing for the chapter to end. Ramsay Bolton is worse than Gregor Clegane! Can somebody please ax him asap?

[Bran 2]
Oooooh! Who's the lord in the chair, do you think??? I honestly have no idea at all! :D

[Tyrion 4]
Hm? Oh. Turtles? And also a brooding dwarf. Let's move on.

[Davos 2]
I have a bad feeling about this...

[Daenerys 3]
LOL at teenage crush! "Oooh Daario let me touch your sexy beard..!" I find it hilarious. Especially since we've got more guys tripping over each other to marry her. We've got Quentyn on his way as well as Victarion who plans to get her for himself even as he's on a mission to get her for Euron. This will turn into an episode of Bachelorette, I can feel it. XD

[Jon 4]
Barter barter barter brewing bromance barter barter barter...

[Tyrion 5]
I did not expect that. Aegon Targaryen, huh? Teenage boy with absolutely nothing but a couple of loyal friends and a head full of dreams, looking to be another contestant in Bachelorette? I don't know. His story is sort of blah so far and I also have this feeling that he's mostly going to... get in the way?

Oh, and the stonemen are unbelievably creepy. O_o

[Davos 3]
Oh nooooes... :(

[Reek 2]
Ramsay Bolton can not be more disturbing.

[Jon 5]
Not much happening in this chapter - nothing to write about anyways.

[Tyrion 6]
Not really liking Aegon so far. He seems like a teenage brat, no more and no less. And not too bright if he the thought of Daenerys refusing him never entered his mind. Personally, I'm hoping he'll turn out to be completely insane - at least then he'd be an interesting addition to the story. And we currently don't have a crazy dragon, so you know... fun times? XD

[Daenerys 4]
LOL! Awww... a bad kiss followed by an even worse date. Poor Dany. XD

[The Lost Lord]
The best part of this chapter was the title.

[The Windblown]
I kind of like the insight in the different cultures. And the stories about Danenerys circulating are hilarious. XD

[The Wayward Bride]
YAY ASHA! But I must say she's in a sticky situation... the sex scene was like something out of a bad Harlequin-no-means-yes-book. BUT LOL AT SEAL WEDDING! Euron, you crazy bastard..! XDDDD

[Tyrion 7]
Ser Jorah Mormont! ♥ Wow... he's mighty self-righteous for a guy who buys a prostitute who looks exactly like his underage crush. But The Widow is amazing! I like her. :)

[Jon 6]
Alright, now I'm very curious about Melisandre! I enjoy reading about her and Jon. :)

[Davos 4]
..??? YAY HE'S ALIVE!!! I've never been so happy to read a Davos chapter, but this was a delight from start to finish! :D

[Daenerys 5]
Stop fantasizing about Daario and making wedding plans to save your city... and let your dragons out.

[Melisandre 1]
Ooooh, I'm excited to read from her POV! After reading it I like her a lot more, even if I find some things a tad disturbing... like the black, smoking blood trickling down her thigh while she was praying/in a trance? *shudder*
Okay, so we know that she's extremely powerful. We knew that before, of course. Still, I haven't quite figured out her agenda. Or her god's.
YAY MANCE IS ALIVE! I haven't been an enthusiastic Mance fan, but I'm happy that he didn't die that way. :)

[Reek 3]
I feel so sorry for Theon.

[Tyrion 8]
I like Penny, she's adorable. I hope to see more of her, but I'm not holding my breath because George Martin really likes killing off the nice ones. And I have to admit that I hope that Tyrion and Penny fall in love... she's honest, loyal and kind. He can't do better and I suspect that she can't do worse. Or maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic.

[Bran 3]
So, here's a thing: if Summer and his wolf friends has to resort to eating rotting zombie flesh, and Bran eats with Summer and his pack? Oh Bran that's just wrong on so many levels.

[Jon 7]
And then, suddenly... brooding.

[Daenerys 6]
About time! He's going to betray her, though.

[The Prince of Winterfell]
That thing I wrote earlier about Ramsay Bolton? I stand corrected. I may never have sex again. D:

[The Watcher]
Oooooh hooray for Martell plotting! :D :D :D

[Jon 8]
I just fell in love with Jon a little bit. I have never been a Jon fan (actually, he reminds me a lot of Angel in BtVS! XDDD) but that speech? PURE WIN! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

[Tyrion 9]
I am now officially a Tyrion/Penny shipper! I hope he'll warm to her, I really do...

[The Turncloak]
I love these little tidbits of past plots and intrigues! :)

[The King's Prize]
Things does not look good for Asha. And not for Stannis either. Did y'all remember to dress warm?


asoiaf, fun

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