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albeitslowly October 31 2008, 21:21:00 UTC
LOL, I love your meta. Which is funny, cuz last year someone I really despise proposed the same thing and I might have rolled my eyes and wished she'd go to Hell. *fingers in ears* Lalallala!

And don't you love it when you see your own scenes on the show. I swear, the scene in Fresh Blood where they were fixing the car? I wrote that like during he summer before Season 3 even started. And the scene in NRFTW where they sang Bon Jovi? I wrote that, too! Right after AHBL2 aired, like within a week or two of season 2 ending. It's scary. I used the exact same song, and people even commented they didnt think Dean would EVER listen to Bon Jovi, so when that scene aired... Hell I was still grinning when the Hellhounds dragged Dean to the pit. It's wonderful to feel validated, isn't it. I mean, not that Kripke borrows from us, because we know he doesn't, except from me, LOL! but just writing something from your own mind and imagination and then seeing it on television. Like, hey! My ideas are good enough to be on the screen. Sometimes were really need that. *is speaking from experience on the darkside of the force*


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