Weekend Happening

Sep 01, 2008 18:37

I went back home this weekend and guess what I found?  I've been replaced!  By a small dog named Miley!  And now I've got Hannah Montana songs stuck in my head!

Also stuck in my head: an idea for a story where a girl goes far away to school, comes back for Christmas, and finds that her parents have replaced her (guess how many times I mispelled Christmas right there?).

All in all, the weekend was fun, but when I got back to school, the paper in my printer jammed, and when we got out, the printer refused to print (I e-mailed HP asking for help becuase it won't resume and it won't turn off and it won't print and it won't do any-fucking-thing and I want to kill it).

Went to see Disaster Movie this weekend.  Don't.  it's a bunch of jokes loosely fitted together with pieces of plot.  That's it.  nothing more.  They're really not even good jokes.

But, yeah... if anyone knows how to fix my printer, please tell me.  With my luck, I'll need it ASAP!


holidays, college, supernatural

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