And they think I belong here....

Aug 27, 2008 18:53

Oh, classes are fine here in college.  Yep, I'm doing great so far.  Keeping up on the reading, making new friends, getting along with the roomate, and even keeping up on the SN news.


I had to walk across campus this evening to get to a coaching session for forensics.  Since I was alone, I was talking to myself in my head, making up conversation for the sake of something to do.  That's when Jenny came out to play.  Jenny was created recently as a sorta alter-ego.  He looks and sounds just like Jensen Ackles, is kinda anti-wincest, and I think he hates me.  Aaaaanyway...

The trip down went fine, but on the way back, "we" were "talking" and I started thinking (appropriate term) about a story I wrote for my creative writing course (it was more of a journal entry that I wrote to get rid of some writer's block).  It was basically Wincest-cuddling, but I really like the emotion behind it and the potential that it has.  So, anyway, the converstation:

Me: I might even post it on LJ eventually, after a couple of revisions.
Jenny: Why do you even write that stuff?
Me: Because Wincest makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Jenny: Yeah, well, it makes me all wet and sticky inside.

No joke, you guys.  I barely kept myself from laughing.  *Is schizophrenic* 


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