6.06 thing. Spoilers?

Oct 30, 2010 00:42

 Ok, quick question first: "Love the way you lie" as a 6.05 or 6.06 song?  Because I'm leaning toward TwiHard.


Show, you break me.  But I love you anyway.  Thank you for bringing up that fic I wrote a few years back.  Thank you for finally letting Dean punch his brother so that I didn't have to.

Now, crack!theory time!!!!!!!

1. Sam is Lucifer.  Shut the fuck up, I know what Cas said.  But Sam is finally acting like Lucifer.  So... there. Logic :/
2. Lucifer has Sam's soul.  Why?  Because angels don't have souls, they have Grace.  So let's assume that one needs a viable soul to get out of Hell (without a little help from Jacob Eyebrows (Grandpappy C) Chuck the epic love story of Sam and Dean something), and Lucifer took Sam's soul (or empathy or whatever) in order to stage an escape, hop back in his herpes-infected vessel, and have sex with Sam make out with Cas destroy the world fall in love with Dean.
3. IT'S A METAPHOR!!!!!1!1!!!! *ahem*  You know how Cas poured that drink for Dean?  SO MUCH SYMBOLISM.  The cork/cap is the island Lucifer.  The bottle itself is a literal metaphor that tells us nothing of import Sam's body.  The liquid inside is Hell darkness metaphysical evil Sam's soul.  So, Once Lucifer is pulled out of Sam, Sam's soul or whatever can leak out.  Like blood out of a crib wine out of a broken bottle.
4. Sam sold his soul while in Hell to get out of Hell
5. Lucifer will show up in episode 10 with one of those old McDonald's Happy Meal boxes.  The box will contain Sam's soul.  And stale fries.
6. Mark Pellegrino is going to play the Alpha!Vamp named Bishop who wants to create an army of vampires and become the dominate species come back.

Diagram time!

apocalypsey apocalypse is apocalypsey, bobby thinks you're all idjits, fucking magnets how do they work?, don't mock my world turtle!, crack is whack (and tasty!), i don't even know, superlost, supernatural, ramblings, question, praying for nick in season six, it was a robot head!

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