I want to clarify

Sep 25, 2010 10:05

 I do.  And I need to do it before I go to work, on the off chance that people hate me for being a hater.

I love my show.  I missed my show.  There might be things about my show *coughSamcough* that I don't like right now, but that will never change the fact that I love it.

I post bitchy reactions/reviews sometimes.  You know why that is?  No matter the season, no matter the episode, this show makes me feel.  Sometimes it makes me laugh.  Sometimes it makes me cry.  Sometimes it makes me want to throw stuffed animals at my television.  But it gets a reaction out of me like no other show I watch can.

And that's why I love it.  That's why it's my favorite.  Something about it has made me feel for these characters, and that's a good thing.

So, for future reference, while I might not seem to like an episode (or a character), I really do.  Deep, deep down.  Last night was awesome.  In its own, special way.  It was awesome, and even though I wanted to punch the television, I would watch it again.  We all would, and we know it.

(end PSA)

wankers make me wank, praying for nick in season six, supernatural

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