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vyrantium June 28 2010, 16:57:22 UTC
Ha! He loves Phantasm... I love him even more xD And I wanted to see Drag Me To Hell! I'm totally convinced I should now. I remember when that was coming out.

< /movie geek moment>

OMG THANK YOU INTERVIEWER!! For one, a question I actually cared about because I'd been thinking it and it hadn't been asked \o/

I really hope Nick comes back... scars and all, bb! I'd rather see him as Lucifer again obviously, but Nick would be beyond amazing too. I wouldn't even care about the hows and whys... they could make him a long lost Winchester relative for all I care. I just want Mark back on our show O_O


mummyluvr314 June 28 2010, 18:00:44 UTC
I've actually convinced myself that Nick is Mary's twin, who was raised a hunter (like her), but who embraced the lifestyle. He was out of town on a hunting trip when Samuel and Deanna were killed, and came home to find his sister living with the "civvie" and planning the funerals. She told him about her deal and he got mad that she would choose to save John instead of their parents, so he left. While hunting on his own, he met Sarah and fell in love. And the rest is Sympathy for the Devil.


vyrantium June 28 2010, 18:32:25 UTC
That's an interesting theory actually! And it would not only bring him back with a storyline, but it would also explain why they didn't give him a last name (although it's probably just the case of they didn't care about the character enough to give him one... but I can dream!) In the very beginning when we saw him I wondered if he was supposed to be a relative of some sort actually, because both he AND Sam are vessels for Lucifer and they'd have to be tied somehow... I just wondered how closely.

For some reason I always wondered if he'd be tied to John's side though because we never really got to see anything about his family... it'd be interesting if he was John's brother who kind of ran off like Sam did, only minus the hunting thing until much later on. Like John was satisfied with working the family business (mechanics) while Nick wanted to make something more of himself. He did, got himself a wife... and then the rest is Sympathy for the Devil :)

So many possibilities with him! I hope they capitalize on it :D


mummyluvr314 June 28 2010, 20:01:15 UTC
it would also explain why they didn't give him a last name

If it's not Campbell, I'm going with "Burke." According to IMDB, the name of his character in Joint Body is Nick Burke, and Bellamy Young (the Lucifer to his Nick) is also in the cast.

Since Mary's line is the Lucifer side, and everybody in her family (and most people she knew) was killed off, I assumed he'd be linked to her (and they're both blonde).

I just read (spoiler alert) that not only will Crowley be back with an expanded role this season, but the writers are trying to work in Death, Gabriel (but everyone keeps calling him The Trickster, so I wonder just how much angel juice he'll have left), and even Ellen and Jo (as ghosts). There are only two things I want from season six: 1)Dean/Cas make-out session, and 2) MARKSHA. Make it happen, Kripke Sera!


vyrantium June 28 2010, 20:13:29 UTC
Wow, I didn't know Bellamy was going to be in Joint Body too... what a weird coincidence, how actors seem to follow each other around in projects. I wonder how that happens so often :P

Why is Mary's like the Lucifer line? I don't remember that ever coming up, unless it's just because she's the one who made the deal with Azazel. It is true about the blonde thing though. Hmmm.

I read that too! \o/ I'd LOVE for Gabriel to come back for sure (everyone calls him Trickster so I wouldn't take that as meaning anything... they didn't even have him credited as Gabriel on IMDB until recently :P), and Death was badass... not keen on Ellen and Jo as ghosts though (well, I like Ellen... not Jo). But the two things you want from season six? SECONDED SO HARD! Especially #2, but #1 has been a personal want of mine for ages... the epic eye!sex needs to lead to SOMEWHERE! I'd just tack on a #3 in the way of a Nick!Lucifer/Gabriel love fest or even a Nick/Gabriel love fest and I'd be all good xD


mummyluvr314 June 28 2010, 20:37:13 UTC
Why is Mary's like the Lucifer line?

Crazy theory time! John was a potential vessel for Michael (5.13), though not the perfect one. Lucifer sent Azazel out looking for a potential vessel, and Azazel's reaction to Mary in 4.03 was interesting when taking that into account. The bloodlines stretch from the time of Cain and Abel, and Sam and Dean were destined to be the vessels (5.08). Heaven set John and Mary up (5.14). The Lucifer bloodline had to come from somewhere, and since John was Michael, it had to have been Mary. Right?


vyrantium June 30 2010, 10:51:06 UTC
Huh... that's a really good point. I guess I never thought about it that much to really come to a conclusion xD This show tends to make my head spin with all the crap they toss at us. It seems like for every answer there are at least five more questions that pop up as a result of it... I don't think it'll ever end in a way where we're satisfied we knew what went on xD ( ... )


mummyluvr314 June 30 2010, 19:07:07 UTC
Yeah, I agree with the demon blood thing.

I've started wondering lately about the other psychic kids. Were they a distraction? A back-up plan? Insurance? Although the vessel-bloodline thing explains the "other generations" that Azazel mentioned...


vyrantium July 1 2010, 06:19:12 UTC
Yeah, good call... they just sort of seemed to abandon that story line, didn't they? And with no explanation. They do that pretty often though. Seems like their MO is retconning the hell out of things on a weekly basis :P


mummyluvr314 July 1 2010, 17:37:58 UTC
I think Kripke's official explanation was "I got tired of the Psychic Kids storyline, so they all died."


vyrantium July 2 2010, 03:48:03 UTC
Ah yes, the unofficial official explanation of every dropped story arc and/or character development in SPN history.

"I got tired of Dean having legitimate feelings for Cassie, so I made it like she didn't even exist and replaced her with a white girl you're all supposed to believe is Dean's one true love after a one night stand."

"I got tired of having females around that actually had backbones, so I killed off Pamela and Bela."

"I got tired of giving awesome characters back stories, so midway through Gabriel's character development I decided to kill him."

That last one really bugs me actually. If we actually do get him back next season, I hope we finally figure out who in the hell his vessel is... I mean come on, we know about all the other archangel's vessels! Even Raph, who was only in one scene. You're telling me we can't know what's up with Gabriel? :P


mummyluvr314 July 2 2010, 06:21:02 UTC
I didn't actually buy the Cassie thing, either. Girls that pop in for one episode never work for me, especially when they're "the only person I've ever loved." Ugh.

I'm pretty sure we'll be getting Gabe back, though. At least I hope so. I want some back story, too (on him and Nick).


vyrantium July 2 2010, 16:16:02 UTC
Well, I never really liked Cassie at all either... but at least there was SUPPOSED to be an extended relationship there that we didn't see :P I threw a hissy fit and thought it was stupid when it happened, but eventually I just accepted it and moved on from it... but the fact that they just completely retconned it seasons later just made no sense to me, much less for someone he hardly knows. I'd buy Cassie before bendy chick.

Nick is just SCREAMING for back story, I swear. I mean come on... not even a last name? Even random people get last names, and he was really important! I can only hope they were planning something for him all along and didn't give him a last name because it would given something in his atory arc away. You know, because I'm delusional and don't accept that they didn't care about yet ANOTHER character with huge potential.


mummyluvr314 July 2 2010, 18:52:22 UTC
I mentally explained it as the difference between the two women in the end - Cassie didn't accept Dean's lifestyle until she needed his help and called him back to get him to save her family; Lisa involved no commitment and gave him a memorable weekend - if anyone's going to have random sex with him, it's going to be the person who had random sex with him a long time ago, and not the person that wanted him to stay. Lisa, however, was faced with the paranormal and didn't kick him out immediately. She still accepted him, while Cassie was all like "yeah, no. This won't work."

That was a really long explanation for something that makes no sense at all.

I think I'd even heard at one point that they were going to do a "back story episode for Mark's character" toward the end of the season, but never did. I'm still hopeful that he'll come back with everyone else.


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