Rain, rain go away...

Apr 29, 2006 12:09

Of course it's pouring out there today. It always pours when I have a great idea for the yard. I've been pondering the cedars on the south side of the yard. Eventually, they'll be a hedge, but right now they're small with masses of buttercups growing in the spaces between them. Buttercups are pretty, but they're also insidious. I've been dragging my feet about yanking them all, with the plan of throwing down some grass seed, and the prediction that it'll just be overtaken with buttercups again in no time flat. This morning, it occured to me I should just transplant a bunch of lilies in there. They're dense enough that they'll take up the space, but not bother the neighbours or expand into the grass. They might not flower there, but I'm not concerned about it... there are lots of places in the yard already where they grow & don't flower.
I planted peas, sunflowers & corn yesterday.
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