Nov 08, 2010 15:38
I changed my profile layout/design or whatever it's called on LJ. I also changed my "bio" section and added some interests. My old bio was so bad, it even had a misspelled word in it! I'm pretty sure I wrote that either back in middle school or back in early high school, but still. Man, smh at past me. XD Anyway, when I was looking through the profiles I could use with my free account, I realized that I had been using that super purple profile for so long that the ones with a white background behind the text looked weird to me. XD So, I picked one with white behind it. I'm not sure now much I like it, but the shades of purple are nicer than before. XD
Also, I'm at McKeldin Library looking up books/articles not available online for my presentation on Mariko Mori. I came here right after Japanese class and settled in this seat by 1PM. It's 2:53PM at this very moment and I haven't gotten a single book yet. OTL First, I was getting to work, but then I IMed Becca to see if she already ate like I thought she probably did. She did. Then we started talking about Hetalia countries, something about the Kinsey scale, and then LJ comments. It led to LJ and was left on LJ once she had to go to work. Then I stayed on LJ up to this point right now. XD
But this past ~2 hours hasn't been a waste! I'm not sure when, but I was able to find a whole new peer review on Mori Mariko that was not only available online, but downloadable! I... I'm actually not sure when I did this... Was I unconsciously doing my schoolwork while totally goofing off? It's bizarre, but I'm a-okay with that! XD It's kinda long, but it's mostly on her, meaning that it'll be useful.
Oh! I didn't explain the project anyway. I gotta do a presentation/report on Mariko Mori, a Japanese modern art artist from after the occupation. Last class, we had to turn in an annotated bibliography, which I did, and next class (tomorrow) we turn in a thesis and outline. Honestly, an outline is easy for me to do, and the thesis should fall in place once I do the hard part: reading the shit. Luckily, most of my peers' major sources [apparently] had to be ordered through ILL (inter-library loan) so she doesn't expect us to read everything on the bibliographies. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I realize less reading is required for this particular assignment. I pretty much don't have to read anything; I just need to choose the artworks of hers I'm going to talk about. Wow, self, lol!! Well, at the the library is a comfortable temperature and I'm doing some kind of school work. :3 I'm still really hungry though...
Oh, speaking of schoolwork, last week my teacher gave us a list of "supplementary vocabulary" verbs that's not in the books and not really for the class, but she said she'd still quiz us on it this class. But this weekend was for relaxation, so I basically made sure that if I saw it written somewhere, I could at least know what it said. But... on the quiz, she wrote down the meanings and wanted the Japanese writing instead of vice versa. The class, including me, didn't do too well on that there quiz... Lol! XD But there was a joke about the vocab that it was the 'wife beater's vocal list'. XD It's got nice little words like 縛る (to tie up), and 打つ and 叩く (to hit and beat), 叩く also apparently means to troll on the interwebs. XD I guess that's because of the insult meaning. Either way, I was still surprised to see it in the dictionary. XD Anyway, yeah, it's full of those fun verbs that came out of nowhere. Some of them honestly aren't even bad-- until you realize that you and your classmates' minds like to play in the gutter. Like with 離す, a perfectly normal verb that means to separate... Separate WHAT, HMMMM~? (Yes, we went there in class.) Oh youth~. Aw man, and taking this class with 6 other black people when the class is this small is actually great. Well, okay, only 4 of them actually act black, but it's just great to hear Japanese words/grammar randomly thrown into an American song in class for no reason/ an American song randomly brought up in class with a phrase that is the English equivalent of a Japanese word/phrase brought up in class. I can't think of any of the good examples, but one would be this:
We were looking at our midterms, and one part was discerning between the ki's (i.e. 気をつける, 気がつく, 気がする etc) and some people in class didn't understand it and had the teach go over them again. The last one she explained again was 気がする, and Dorsey just busts out with "I've got a feeling~!"
Aaaaaaanyway, I should either read some articles or go get food now. Later! :D
EDIT: And now that I've typed that, I'm also finding a LOT of the main sources on my annotated bibliography are online. I'm going to go home before traffic tries to eat me! ^^;