May 14, 2010 11:40
For some reason, Carroll starts spring break a good two weeks earlier than most of my friends' colleges. This means I don't have much going in the way of a social life, except through Facebook, so I'm spending my time on long bike rides and writing. Lots of writing. I know, how is this any different from my usual schedule?
In any event, I'm close enough to the ending of this WIP (the novel, working title 'One Hundred Days') to taste it. Which I've been saying for weeks, but I really mean it this time. I have two scenes left, maybe three if I split the epilogue into two parts. And I've ensured that I really do taste the ending--I have a chocolate-coated sugar cookie waiting for me in the pantry, and I won't let myself eat it until the story is finished. Which might, acutally, just be an expression of my deep trust in its shrink-wrap.
True to form, every time I finish a novel I find two more story ideas waiting for me--'form' being the pattern of this novel finish and the one for Last of the Lesser Kings. I think I might try NaNo this year, if I can make a sufficiently detailed outline by November. It helps that a NaNo novel is only about 50,000 words, while the other ones I've finished have each got to be over 100,000. Quite a change from when Aqua Vitae was a struggle. Of course, I haven't begun to edit yet...
(To all my prospective beta readers reading this, I am promising cake. Of course, I just got introduced by my boyfriend to the glory that is Portal, so you know...maybe the cake is a lie.)
college student; being a,
one hundred days